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Old 08-23-2008, 11:26 AM
EricT EricT is offline
Rank: Heavyweight
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 6,314

I would chime in with all sorts of things except it would feel silly to me. I don't understand why someone would start lifting again for a month and then want to "cut". If you're fat to start with fat-loss while strengthening (with a program you could handle given the diet) would be the answer, imho.

If on the other hand you just want to look cut up and not get really strong and large...Rippetoe is kinda overkill in a way. It's not meant to be a part of a bodybuilding "bulk/cut" cycle in any case and if you did it on a cutting diet you wouldn't progress very well, probably and then we'd have the typical "change directions again" or give up and criticize the program

I understand why IW would say just continue with the Rippetoes though.
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