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Old 10-07-2008, 02:10 PM
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pimpsticky pimpsticky is offline
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Question Is 2hours of intense cardio once a week way too much on top of Bill Stars 5x5?

Here's my situation:

I'm a poster child for why you should never listen to "that guy" in the gym. I've lifted weights and worked out most of my life (save the last 5 years) and never saw any real gains in raw strength. Most of my life involved endurance athletics or military training... thus I've also been mentally mis-programmed with a bust your ass with no rest mindset (no rest + overtraining = little gain in size or power). Then, 5years ago I stopped everything and got fat.

For the past 5 months, I've been in the gym religiously and have lost 40 pounds. The first 3 months I completely overtrained, but you guys helped me fix that. I've erased everything I thought I knew and am reading & following this forum's advice religiously.

The past 2 months, I've been doing the Bill Starr 5x5 + getting lots of rest + eating 5 meals/3000 calories 50% Pro 40% Fat 10% Carbs (thanks with a lot of success. In just 2 months, I gained 25 pounds on my bench press and still managed 1 to 1.5 pounds weight loss per week.

My goal are:
10-12% Bodyfat (probably 50 pounds of fat loss) by May 30th
300 Bench (1.5x my goal body weight of 200)
500 Squat (2.5x my goal body weight of 200)

Here's my current stats (I'll post a few pics soon):
254 lbs
34% Bodyfat (Army Tape Test -neck,waist, height,weight)
6ft tall
36 years old
Bench 250
Squat 400
Dead - New to deads and getting form down before I find my max (I have lower back degenerative disc issues, so I need to be careful)

OK... here's my question:

I'm considering getting back into MMA, (I really miss it and there's a great school here). It will involve 2 hours of intense cardio every Tuesday. If I do... my week will look like this:

Saturday - Weights
Sunday - 20 minutes light cardio
Monday - Weights
Tuesday - 2 Hours intense MMA training
Wednesday - Weights
Thursday - 20 minutes light cardio
Friday - REST

I won't be competitive at 200 pounds unless I can get my strength up. So my priority is strength gain and fat loss.

I know this is overtraining... but is it way too much? I don't want to fall back into the overtraining rut and not make the strength gains I need and waist my time.


Do you think that I'll be way-overtraining and should forget about MMA until I achieve my priority goals...


Should I jump back into MMA now... which will also help facilitate fat loss.

As always... your expertise and guidance will be much appreciated and adhered to.

Sorry for the long-winded post
Every day God gives me, is an opportunity to take another step closer to my spriritual, personal and professional goals. I will use today so that tomorrow... next week... next year, I may look back and be proud of the choices I made, the people I've touched and the goals I've accomplished.

-My Personal Mission Statement
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