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IronKitten 07-25-2007 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by selfmade (Post 38445)
What kind of foods though, can anyone make like a table for me? Like a example or something?

Read the sticky called "what a bodybuilder eats." That'll give you a good idea of what foods are good.

I strongly suggest you take some time to read through most of the stickies and articles on here. Primarily the ones in Training and Nutrition. Also check out the Bodybuilding Articles portion of the forum. You need to learn some background on a lot of this.

EricT 07-25-2007 05:24 PM

Dude are not going to start putting on mounds of muscle mass, like Talo said. But I don't understand why your concerned with "losing weight" rather than than just losing fat. Even if you don't want to put on a lot of muscle, and that's fine, it is not a good thing to lose weight so fast that you drop a lot of lean mass. Not good for anyone. All that will do is screw up your body and put it in fat storing mode, making it extremely difficult to keep fat off of your body. What these guys are trying to tell you is you want to lose fat and preserve as much lean mass as possible.

But you are asking everyone to do the work for you. It looks like you haven't done any research of your own and are asking way too general questions. Unless you're willing to start sending some of these guys or girls checks, I suggest you do you're preliminary research. If you can't then try to find a good personal trainer.

We can only do so much. This isn't a free online personal training service.

selfmade 07-25-2007 05:29 PM

^^LOL, this is a forum, so u ask questions about this kinda stuff that u dont know about, i read alot of stuff like this but it still kinda doesnt make sense. I read examples n stuff, i wanna know whats good for me n stuff, thats why i gave a example of what i eat, so someone can help me out, not tell me to read stickies, if u know why not have some common curtacy and tell me LOL, whats so hard about that, u typed all that up, u coulda just told me, LOL, if u dont know, then u dont know, but i think u do, u coulda just asked me a few questions and i woulda told u, and so u can tell me what the best thing to do is, but its ok, thanks!!!!!

IronKitten 07-25-2007 05:30 PM

^^ that too.

If you simply want someone to write a full program for you, great. But that's something that 99% of the time you'll have to pay for. And the full detail programs that you can get the other 1% of the time (ie, free) aren't gonna be up to snuff.

If this is something you're serious about, you need to know the fundamentals of it all. Which means you need to do some research on your own.

Also, don't worry about what the scale says. Worry about your measurements and how you perceive yourself. Look at me, I'm 5'3". Most chicks that are my height think that they need to weigh under 110 pounds to look good. That's what society tells them. I weigh 135 right now. Yet I wear a smaller waist size in my pants than the chicks at my height at 110 pounds.

Screw the scale, think about body composition instead.

IronKitten 07-25-2007 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by selfmade (Post 38451)
^^LOL, this is a forum, so u ask questions about this kinda stuff that u dont know about, i read alot of stuff like this but it still kinda doesnt make sense. I read examples n stuff, i wanna know whats good for me n stuff, thats why i gave a example of what i eat, so someone can help me out, not tell me to read stickies, if u know why not have some common curtacy and tell me LOL, whats so hard about that, u typed all that up, u coulda just told me, LOL, if u dont know, then u dont know, but i think u do, u coulda just asked me a few questions and i woulda told u, and so u can tell me what the best thing to do is, but its ok, thanks!!!!!

We ARE trying to help you dude. But by simply saying "write me a program," that's not exactly gonna work all that well on a forum. People have been asking you questions in order to be able to steer you in a better direction. But you seem to just want us to do all the work for you without knowing anything about you.

hunt0r 07-25-2007 05:33 PM

Selfmade is frusterating me with his total disrespect to honest good advice. People are going to be much more willing to help you if you take some time and effort to learn some of this on your own. Use this resource for tweaking your program, not creating it.

selfmade 07-25-2007 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by IronKitten (Post 38453)
We ARE trying to help you dude. But by simply saying "write me a program," that's not exactly gonna work all that well on a forum. People have been asking you questions in order to be able to steer you in a better direction. But you seem to just want us to do all the work for you without knowing anything about you.

Ya i know lol. Im really serious about this and i always do research on this kinda stuff. I know i gotta cut cals n all that but i dont know how many im consuming, i dont eat everthing outta a box lol, i dont know how many cals r in rice and chicken n all that. So its so hard, and i read that u cant like make muscle and loose weight and all that at the same time, so now im wondering how i can loose weight but still get lean at the same time and all that, and what sorta things i should eat and what time, theres so many factors u gotta get together before this, so i guess a personal trainer would be best, i wanna do this the right way, because i know people who have been doing this for like 6 months and havnt been seeing really good results, so i wanna make this worth while, so ya, thansk though!!!

triqqey 07-25-2007 08:41 PM

Simply put:

Since you are very new to weightlifting, simply hitting the weights with one of a bazillion full body workouts would be your best bet. Read all the journals on the forums here to decide which one you would like to follow. Just start lifting what you can following one of those programs.

For diet, read the stickies to be able to calculate how much protein/carbs/fat you should have and read the sticky "what a bodybuilder eats" to get an idea of sources for protein/carbs/fat.

Just getting active is a giant leap, but keep reading on nutrition as you go along.
Being very new to weightlifting, most any program will give you decent results.
You'll get 1000 times better results just lifting weights for your whole body and trying your best to eat clean, than to keep asking about what to do and sit around pondering.

Bottom line: Get out, get active, keep reading all the info you can and incorporate new things you learn along the way rather than trying to research research research for a long time before doing anything.

Just to add: A saying I just thought of would sum up what I'm trying to get across: "A moving wheel is easier to steer in a forward direction than a non-moving wheel" -me

selfmade 07-25-2007 08:50 PM

Meal 1:
Lean Protein, 1/2 cup oatmeal

Meal 2:
Protein shake/Lean Protein (2 tbsp flax

Meal 3:
Veggies, Lean Protein


Meal 4:
PWO Nutrition

Meal 5:
Veggies, Lean Protein, 1/2 cup rice or oatmeal.

Meal 6:
Shake with Flax

Ok what does PWO nutrition mean? And i go to school so i could eat breakfast at 9, lunch at 12 and anoth meal at 3, then gym, then another meal, at around 5 i guess then another at 7 and then a shake at 9 i guess? Would that work or is that too late?

selfmade 07-25-2007 08:52 PM

and whats Flax?

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