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ghij_mpu ghij_mpu is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13
  1. Darkhorse
    12-05-2008 04:01 PM
    Thanks for the kind words over at clutch! See you at GUS!
  2. _Wolf_
    12-03-2008 09:48 AM
    Hey Phil...yeah I thought I pm'ed you about the albums...I've downloaded them all...I haven't heard every single track but I am in the process..

    Thanks a LOT!

  3. EricT
    11-21-2008 04:09 PM
    I see you!
  4. EricT
  5. EricT
    10-18-2008 07:08 PM
    Well we should work on that. Not that I'm concerned that you always squat super deep or anything only that improving hip, ankle, etc..mobility and being able to go deeper (even if with light weights) will make you a healthier you
  6. EricT
    10-18-2008 07:05 PM
    So your saying you did 15 more pounds for a 3x5 right off the bat and then got a pr 285. That's great. Amazing what some good technique tweaks can do.
  7. EricT
    10-18-2008 07:02 PM
    OH! LOL I thought you meant 'higher' as in 'less depth' instead of heavier!

    I am so frigging literal sometimes.
  8. EricT
    10-18-2008 06:46 PM
    "I just knew I should be squatting higher than I do."


    (Can't use quote function in messages)
  9. EricT
    10-18-2008 06:24 PM
    Gotcha! Sounds good. Just checking
  10. EricT
    10-18-2008 05:19 PM
    I deleted for you.

    That gives me pause. Powerlifter? There are "powerlifting" squats desgned to give someone the biggest numbers and there are SQUATS. Which we talking here?

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    Ground Up Strength

    What don't kill you make you more strong -- Metallica - Death Magnetic


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  • Last Activity: 07-08-2024 08:30 AM
  • Join Date: 01-11-2007
  • Referrals: 0


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