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Old 01-17-2010, 05:11 PM
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Squat Training
Mesocycle 17 - Week 3

Beginning Thoughts:
I am in Dallas right now for the MLK weekend and I went to LA Fitness to workout like normal. I've been eating like a 150 lb'er so I did not have as much energy as normal. On another note: I weighed myself this morning at 195.5 lbs which is about 5 lbs less than last month. So I am pretty pleased with myself. I want to drop to 180-185 though.
Overhead Squats:
135 lbs x 3 reps
145 lbs x 3 reps
155 lbs x 2 reps
I need to practice more with this. Next week I am going to do more work in this same weight range.

Front Squats:
205 lbs x 3 reps x 3 sets
225 lbs x 3 reps x 3 sets
Damn my wrists hurt like a bitch after these!!!

Back Squats:
315 lbs x 1 rep x 3 sets
I wasn't going to do these but I figured I'd try. My form on the first rep sucked but I was able to keep my chest up for sets 2 and 3.

Farmers Walks:
125 lbs x 1 trip x 3 sets
This was super difficult. My grip has been lagging pretty bad. It's been 4 weeks since I've done any grip training but I am gonna work on this from now on out.

Plate Pinches:
25 lbs x 30 seconds x 2 sets

Pallof Press:
42.5 lbs x 12 reps
47.5 lbs x 12 reps
50.0 lbs x 12 reps
Overhead Squats, Front Squats and Back Squats:
Overall Impression:
This workout was better than the last disaster of a Deadlift workout mainly because I felt better. I think my diet has to be improved greatly if I want to continue progressing and that is what I am going to do.

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Old 01-20-2010, 07:34 AM
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Press Training
Mesocycle 17 - Week 3

Beginning Thoughts:
This is last night's workout. I was in half a mind to not go train but decided to stop being lazy. After every few months of dedicated training I fall into this lull where I become lethargic with no motivation to train. Thats how it has been for the last 1-2 weeks. But not things are different. I am easing back into training and hopefully I'll be fine for the next few months
Pistol Squats:
BW x 5 reps x 2 sets
Good stuff

Incline Close Grip Crazy Bell Bench Press:
165 lbs x 3 reps
185 lbs x 4 reps x 2 sets
165 lbs x 5 reps
Man...this exercise is so difficult! Paul, who I have shown training with me a number of times, can bench in the low 300s and he has a hard time putting up 230-250 for reps on this exercise. As for a weakling like me, this exercise hits my shoulders and triceps the most. Very cool!

BW x 9 reps
BW x 8 reps
BW x 10 + 2 reps
Total = 29 reps

Arm Work:
Did some hammer curls and lying tricep extensions. I didn't write the weights or the sets and reps because I was just fooling around. I think I took 50 lbs for Hammer Curls and 25 or something for the dumbbell tricep extensions..

Side Plank Rows:
27.5 lbs x 30 seconds
32.5 lbs x 30 seconds
42.5 lbs x 30 seconds
I love core training!!!
Pistol Squats, Incline Close Grip Crazy Bell Bench Press and Pull-ups:
Overall Impression:
Gonna focus on my diet. I have dropped from 200 to 195. I now plan on migrating to 190 and below. Slow and steady though...slow body recomp all the way!
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Old 01-22-2010, 07:19 AM
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Deadlift Training
Mesocycle 17 - Week 4

Beginning Thoughts:
This is last night's workout..My diet has been pretty decent: mainly protein and veggies and other carbs but I think I'm not getting enough fat. I also feel a bit tired throughout the day which is weird for me...Maybe I need to up my calories a bit for a couple of days to get back on track.
425 lbs x 5 reps
This was a backoff session so I kept the intensity just didn't make it too hard on myself. In this cold weather my hands develop quite a bit of dry skin and my damn calluses get ripped off which ends up making my hands hurt whenever I grip the bar. 135 lbs is just as painful for my hands as 425 and I hate having a compromised grip!

Front Squats:
225 lbs x 3 reps
245 lbs x 2 reps
275 lbs x 1 rep
I just wanted to work towards a relative max. I'm glad I got 275. 275 using the clean grip feels a LOT more comfortable than 275 using that silly cross grip.

Weird Ab Exercise:
BW x 7 reps x 3 sets
Deadlifts, Front Squats & Core Training:
Overall Impression:
I hope everyone has had a great week. I'm looking forward to the weekend! Cheers and thanks for reading as always!
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Old 01-22-2010, 03:10 PM
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What happens if you have to ditch the weight on that rack while doing front squats?

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Old 01-22-2010, 03:50 PM
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i bet it's pretty heftily bolted down.

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Old 01-22-2010, 04:26 PM
EricT EricT is offline
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They'd probably rather you ditch onto the rack than on the floor. I've never dropped a bell on my rack from shoulder height but I suspect it would be a not very good thing for the bar.

But Anuj ditch a weight?

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If you act sanctimonious I will just list out your logical fallacies until you get pissed off and spew blasphemous remarks.
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Old 01-23-2010, 10:25 AM
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IW: If I have to ditch the weight, using this new awesome clean grip I'd just drop the weight.

Pity: The racks are huge and they are pretty heavily bolted down.

Eric: Yeah I don't think dropping a weight from the shoulder is a good thing for the barbell at all but you're right: how can I ditch a weight?
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Old 01-23-2010, 10:25 AM
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Back Training
Mesocycle 17 - Week 4

Beginning Thoughts:
This is yesterday's workout...
Dumbbell Rows:
110 lbs x 6 reps x 3 sets
120 lbs x 4 reps x 2 sets
I love this exercise!

BW + 20 lbs x 2 + 2 reps
BW + 20 lbs x 3 + 3 reps
BW + 30 lbs x 2 + 2 reps
BW + 40 lbs x 2 reps
Total = 16 reps

Cable Rows:
160 lbs x 12 reps x 3 sets

80 lbs x 12 reps x 2 sets

Inverted Rows:
BW x 8 reps x 2 sets

Swiss Ball Jack Pikes:
BW x 8 reps x 3 sets

Forearm / Bicep Exercises:
Did some random 3-4 sets of arm work here...Reverse curls, hammer curls, wrist curls, etc...Nothing solid just picked a weight, did it to failure and jumped to the next exercise..
Dumbbell Rows, Pull-ups, Cable Rows & Swiss Ball Jack Pikes:
Overall Impression:
I'm gonna rest tonight and just heal up. Tomorrow is Squat Day.

I hope everyone had a fun Friday night!
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Old 01-24-2010, 10:28 PM
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Squat Training
Mesocycle 17 - Week 4

Beginning Thoughts:
Just got back from the gym...
Overhead Squats:
135 lbs x 3 reps x 2 sets
155 lbs x 2 reps
Next Mesocycle I am gonna spend more time working on technique. I am gonna try to hit 185 soon.

Front Squats:
225 lbs x 3 reps x 6 sets
Ok so here is the plan with these for now. I have never tried much volume on front squats and I am still working on technique. Today's workout went to shit because my shoulders and biceps were hurting for some reason. So It was hard to concentrate on my form. But, I got all 6 sets. Next week I will add 5 lbs to the bar and week after another 5 lbs and so on and so forth. I figure that around the 250-260 lbs mark this linear progression will fail. When that happens I will do something similar to what I did for Deadlifts with the modified Poliquin 1-6 Principle. It will help consolidate my strength gains before I aim to nail 315.

Back Squats:
Skipped. This is a sort of low volume deload type workout so I didn't want to push it.

Farmers Walks:
105 lbs x 2 trips x 3 sets

Pallof Press:
47.5 lbs x 12 reps x 2 sets
52.5 lbs x 12 reps
Overhead Squats, Front Squats and Farmer Walks:
Overall Impression:
Decent workout. I have my Press workout tomorrow...
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Old 01-26-2010, 06:56 AM
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_Wolf_ _Wolf_ is offline
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Press Training
Mesocycle 17 - Week 4

Beginning Thoughts:
Last night's workout right here...Went in feeling pretty good and was determined to spend a good deal of time doing press work because lately my shoulders have been feeling very unstable and I don't like that.
Pistol Squats:
BW x 6 reps x 2 sets
Next Mesocycle I am gonna spend more time on quality.

Overhead Press:
155 lbs x 3 reps
160 lbs x 3 reps
165 lbs x 3 reps
170 lbs x 3 reps
175 lbs x 2 reps
185 lbs x FAIL
155 lbs x 4 reps
Since I'm doing this exercise for the first time in like ages..I decided to go Quality Volume on this. I'm writing up a plan for progression on this exercise soon. I plan on breaking through the 185 lbs mark.

BW x 10 reps
BW x 9 + 1 reps
BW x 8 + 2 reps
Total = 30 reps

BW x 20 reps x 2 sets
Destroyed me...
Pistol Squats,Overhead Press and Pull-ups:
Overall Impression:
Eating has been relatively good so I am going to work on that and do some R&R over the next 2 days which I have off from training.
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