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_Wolf_ 05-16-2008 01:04 PM

well, im not done with updating my more post after this one..

so, ive bought Maximum Strength by Cressey and it looks like a great program. i will be starting it the monday after the 27th of may. prior to that monday i will be testing my maxes on 5 lifts....

well, so far my diet's been kind of relatives here don't eat non-veg food and being a hardcore meat eater im pretty much in hell...good news is that i have to tolerate this for only 2 more days...then i am off to chicago and new york where ill have access to plenty of meat :)

i went to my uncle's basement today and saw one of those multi-purpose weightlifting stations....i did a small workout (15 super-sets) gonna post it up:

_Wolf_ 05-16-2008 01:10 PM

Goofy Workout 1

So, i decided to superset one lower body movement with one upper body movement. here is how my workout went...

A.) Warm-up using Eric Cressey's Maximum Strength required warm-up minus the foam stuff. this warm-up is a lot like my judo warm-ups when i used to practice judo. good stuff.

B1.) Glute Ham Raises = 8 reps x 3 sets
B2.) Lat Pull Downs = 100 lbs x 10 reps x 3 sets

C1.) Unilateral Standing Leg Curls = 20 lbs x 8 reps x 5 sets
C2.) Push-ups = 10 reps x 5 sets

D1.) OH Squats = 5 sets
D2.) Cable Rows = 130 lbs x 12 reps x 5 sets

E1.) OH Squats = 2 sets
E2.) Unilateral Box Squats = 2 sets

The workout was pretty decent. worked up quite a sweat. i have 4 videos to show y'all...2 are of the oh squats and other 2 are the last two supersets which i did.

_Wolf_ 05-16-2008 01:12 PM

video time...

OH Squats:

OH Squats + Unilateral Squats Combo:

cheers y'all! :)

EricT 05-16-2008 01:14 PM

Once you get into it it would probably be better to keep the updates kinda general. More your impressions, good and bad, and stuff like that. And some general overview. It wouldn't be fair to EC to give the whole program out. It is a LOT of work to publish a book like this one.

I know that's probably your intention but just making sure. Eric gives out more stuff from free than he ever charges for so he deserves that consideration!

_Wolf_ 05-17-2008 02:13 PM

hey E,sir, could you please critique my vids...?

EricT 05-17-2008 03:12 PM

Well I've only been doing OH squats a short time myself so I'm no expert.

I'll try to comment on what I can see...

First off you are not at the point where you should be adding any weight. I noticed you picked up an extra implement at the end there.....

I think you are probably having mobility and stabiltiy issues. Seems to me the mobiltiy has to come before the stability. Check ankle mobility as well...

Since you are doing Cresseys MS mobility warmups things can only improve on that front.

Try to use a slightly wider grip. I think that may help you not get pulled forward by the internal rotators. Also give the pecs and lats a good stretch before. I find it help to pull apart the bar, try that.

One problem you are having is that you don't start with the bar over your feet. You start with it behind you.

With ANY squat the bar will end up staying in line with your feet more or less. From back squat to front squat to zercher squat to oh squat. The body has to maintain a center of gravity.

Again, I am not expert but what seems to be happening is you start out with the bar behind you which is easy when you are just standing there but as soon as you try to descend the bar has to correct suddenly and it has to correct quite a bit so you basically get yanked forward and you don't have the strength and stability to withstand that.

Well anyway you have this hyperflexibility issue up top. You need to try to start with the bar in a positon above your head and not behind you. That way if the bar has to go somewhere to stay over your head as you descend it will probably have to go back instead of forward.

Most of this could be complete's just my instinct right now.

The other problem I told you before. You are still to intent on doing reps instead of working on the weak points. You should be forcing yourself to hang out in the bottom position and correct the bar for a sec or two before you ascend.

The BIGGEST problem I am more sure about. You are going too low. That is a habit you tend to have with everthing. You just have to force yourself to control that descent and stop at the point where you must. You lower back starts rounding out. With an OH squat if you are too low for you lower back to remain set you WILL fail and get pitched forward. That is the thing about OH squats you can't do them wrong without the flaws making you fail. It is impossible, as far as I know, to do a proper OH squat with a rounded lower back.

So even if it means every muscle in your body will convulse and you sound like a woudned animal you have to control that descent and depth. When you get back to a gym, if you must, use a box as a depth gauge until you learn your depth (it may improve later but that's not the most important thing). There is absolutely nothng wrong with doing that. I did it the first few times to get my depth right.

On the uni squats you just need something higher to sit on that you don't plop down onto. Then you get lower and lower...

HIThopper 05-17-2008 03:34 PM

Watch this for OH squats Anuj

EricT 05-17-2008 03:40 PM

AH, he mentioned pulling the bar apart. I totally discovered that by accident and I wasn't sure if it was "proper".

It does look like the bar position is a problem. You don't seem to be starting with the bar over your feet. Which more or less means over your head as well at the beginning. Like he said...the bar stays in the same place...

You definitely need to watch the first part of that a bunch of times.

_Wolf_ 05-17-2008 10:55 PM

thanks for the critique eric and the video hopper.

i also discovered that pulling the bar apart really helps.

i will

1.) do fewer good quality reps
2.) check depth
3.) keep the bar in the middle of my feet. no more pushing it behind.

thanks for the help once again. i was so close to getting it right i thought... ah steps all over again..

oh, and i agree with what E said: my updates during Cressey's program will be very general and more of my videos, thoughts, etc....

EricT 05-18-2008 04:43 AM

No, I think you're close to getting it right. It's just that you need to think movment and not reps. Slow it all down and exaggerate it.

Then when the bar gets more still start practicing with the reps.

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