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EricT 01-27-2008 03:17 PM

Well I'd rather you go back to doing more direct grip work plus all the other pulling and then see what happens. If things get worse then drop the grip work (plus no forearm work) and then see what happens, so on and so forth. This is pretty high volume deads so just doing them is going to train your grip a bunch. You'll just have to experiment and don't do too much grip work to start with. You should have enought recovery time between one dead session to the next.

_Wolf_ 01-27-2008 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Eric3237 (Post 47359)
Well I'd rather you go back to doing more direct grip work plus all the other pulling and then see what happens. If things get worse then drop the grip work (plus no forearm work) and then see what happens, so on and so forth. This is pretty high volume deads so just doing them is going to train your grip a bunch. You'll just have to experiment and don't do too much grip work to start with. You should have enought recovery time between one dead session to the next.

ok sir

umm....yeah regarding this weird: ive noticed that ever since ive been back to trinity, i have zero muscle soreness. now, this has always been the case with me (you know) so its not really a problem. but usually, i am not sore at all yet i can feel the inability to be able to go lift the next day - like my body doesnt want to lift. however, over the past 2 weeks i have noticed that either my recovery is off the hook or my nerves are dying on me lol but no matter how much ive worked out, no matter what workout session it was, i wake up the next day and i feel as if i can workout that day and i can lift the same if not better weights...isnt that weird???

back to what you said: yes, i will do more direct grip work, sir. and no forearm work. just so you know....i use straps on all days of the week except deadlift days. my logic is that using straps on other days will increase recovery time for deadlift days. and i need my A-Game on deadlift days versus on days i do dumbbell rows for instance.

EricT 01-27-2008 03:47 PM

Maybe your dietery differences.

On the grip stuff I think you are assuming too much.

marv 01-28-2008 01:25 AM

I want your recovery abilities!


_Wolf_ 01-28-2008 02:58 PM

Military Press Day
Cycle 4

Overall Impression:
gym was extremely overcrowded. i did my workout in a hurry because i was really really pressed for time today and in addition to that the whole football team was working out at the same time so all the 15 power cages were taken up. fuck!
The Workout:
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
- 55 lbs x 3 reps x 3 sets
smooth and easy

skipped. no pull-up bar free.

High Cable V-Bar Rows on the Lat Pull Down machine
- 140 lbs x 10 reps x 4 sets
almost everything was to failure

Tricep Exercise
skipped. all the benches were taken up and i didnt want to wait for 10 minutes till they got free.

Ab Work
- Lat Pull Down Sit-ups 80 lbs x 12 reps x 2 sets
- Overhead Side Bends 10 lbs x 10 reps x 2 sets
i didnt want to neglect ab work :p

_Wolf_ 01-31-2008 04:45 PM

Squat Day
Cycle 4

Overall Impression:
i was kinda outta wack today....this workout was done on wednesday btw y'all...

ok, so some notes...i need to up my protein intake. im barely having any protein and i think thats not too healthy for me. otherwise im eating a lot healthier.
The Workout:
- 225 lbs x 1 rep
- 245 lbs x 1 rep
- 275 lbs x 1 rep
- 295 lbs x 0 reps
ok, so i wanted to see if i could nail 295. on paper it looks like i cant. but, i think i can. i made some very stupid basic and silly mistakes.
1.) i took a 45 second break between 275 and 295 whereas my usual breaks ranged no lesser than 2 minutes
2.) i took a shitload of time to unrack the bar because i wasnt concentrating properly
3.) when i stepped back my shoelace was untied and it distracted me. how fucking riddiculus!!!
so, when i went down, i was fine. nice and smooth. exactly like 275 in fact. but, then on the way up, just at midpoint, i exhaled all my air and ive never done that. the result: i started losing height and i had to deweight the bar on the safety racks! pretty silly mistake. no matter though...such problems do time ill get this.
so the plan for next week: 245 for 5x5 plus a walkout with 295. if that goes well, i will try for 250 for 5x5 the week after and after that i will nail this 295. but im happy because if i hadnt made those mistakes i would've easily scored.

Unilateral Romanian Deadlifts
- 65 lbs x 6 reps x 2 sets

Regular Romanian Deadlifts
- 135 lbs x 10 reps x 2 sets

Ab Work
- Lat Pull Down Sit-ups = 80 lbs x 12 reps x 3 sets, 90 lbs x 5 reps x 1 set
- Overhead Plate Side Bends supersetted with Plate Side Bends = 20 lbs x 10 reps x 2 sets for both

Shoulder Prehab Work
- Shoulder Protractions

EricT 01-31-2008 06:11 PM

Why in the world would you only rest for two minutes before a heavy single attempt of that nature? DUDE...

That just crasazy. I can understand a mistake of resting 3.5 minutes when you need 5 but 45 seconds intead of two? Like two is even enough? You wanna lift BIG weights you gotta rest. There is absolutely NO value in resting only two minutes...let alone less than a minute, on a day like that.

Ross86 01-31-2008 06:13 PM

Haha I think we've all been there before. Get 295. It will be sweet. Good work.

HIThopper 01-31-2008 07:25 PM


Why in the world would you only rest for two minutes before a heavy single attempt of that nature? DUDE...

That just crasazy. I can understand a mistake of resting 3.5 minutes when you need 5 but 45 seconds intead of two? Like two is even enough? You wanna lift BIG weights you gotta rest. There is absolutely NO value in resting only two minutes...let alone less than a minute, on a day like that.
X2 Im glad Eric said it 1st tho!!

295 will be sweet tho mate:)

_Wolf_ 02-01-2008 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by Eric3237 (Post 47679)
Why in the world would you only rest for two minutes before a heavy single attempt of that nature? DUDE...

That just crasazy. I can understand a mistake of resting 3.5 minutes when you need 5 but 45 seconds intead of two? Like two is even enough? You wanna lift BIG weights you gotta rest. There is absolutely NO value in resting only two minutes...let alone less than a minute, on a day like that.

i know i know...i didnt realize it was only 45 seconds. im so used to being in a constant hurry...and i was listening to this song on my ipod and i didnt realize that i hadnt even waited for the song to complete to replay it...i just added plates, took a deep breath and got under the bar again. im glad i atleast came an inch away from mid-point...i wont do this again...


Originally Posted by Ross86 (Post 47680)
Haha I think we've all been there before. Get 295. It will be sweet. Good work.

yes, it will be a couple of weeks i will have 295.


Originally Posted by HIThopper (Post 47686)
X2 Im glad Eric said it 1st tho!!

295 will be sweet tho mate:)

i was a dumbass beginner mistake....ill get 295 soon though :)

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