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_Wolf_ 09-13-2008 12:03 PM

^^^ No...I can use my B-Law textbook :D

Actually no...I could've used that last semester....I think I'll stick with my history book :)

Pitysister 09-13-2008 12:43 PM

so aside from the not being able to drive with your legs on the floor is it different from 3 board? when i do floor press, the bar usually ends up about...3 boards high :)

EricT 09-13-2008 12:45 PM

Try it and see. Completely different feel, imo. Without having to analyse it you can probably intuit that there is a difference between the elbows coming down on the floor and the BAR coming down on the boards..which is more like it coming down to your chest.

_Wolf_ 09-14-2008 02:10 PM

Beginning Thoughts:
I have been sort of under the weather for the last few days....I have had a nagging upset stomach. In any case, I went in to workout today and my lower back was extremely stiff and my hammies were sore from the last lower body workout. The mobility drills really helped - they made a world of a difference.
Today's session required me to do 5 singles with 90% of my 1RM on Anderson Front Squats. Last time I had taken 225 lbs and done 7 singles. This time I took 235 lbs and did 4 singles. I remember last time when I took 245 lbs I lost my balance at the bottom and I got today I decided to take 245 lbs as my 5th single. Nailed it :)

Proceeded to do some Speed Deadlifts with 65% of my 1RM 245 lbs x 1 rep x 8 sets.

Finished up with some Reverse Lunges and Pallof Presses.
All my Anderson Squat videos and Speed Deadlift videos are up here:
Overall Impression:
I am so beat from this workout!!! I am gonna go and have an ice-cream now :D

Cheers and good luck on the new week ahead us! :)

Ross86 09-14-2008 02:16 PM

Awesome work! 245 is a huge number for Anderson squats...I bet that felt heavy. Enjoy the ice cream :)

Pitysister 09-14-2008 02:18 PM

everything looks really good man.

_Wolf_ 09-14-2008 02:21 PM

Hey thanks guys! :)

I need to eat good food though...My diet has been a mess of late. But it's ok...I'm still sexy


Pitysister 09-14-2008 02:23 PM

damn right you are. mmmm mmmmm :)

_Wolf_ 09-14-2008 02:54 PM

Thanks, pity :biglaugh:

This is a question for Eric whenever he gets on..

Next week I am supposed to be doing 9 singles of Sumo Deadlifts with 90% of my max.

I have never done Sumo Deadlifts. Infact, I tried to do a few reps today and they were VERY uncomfortable. My groin didn't like me for spreading my legs so much...

What should I do? Take a lighter weight than 90% of my 1RM and try Sumo? Or should I try Sumo with 90% and if it doesn't work then just shift to conventional and finish the singles?

What do you think, Sir?

Ross86 09-14-2008 03:12 PM


My groin didn't like me for spreading my legs so much...
That's what she said...

:biglaugh: Sorry, couldn't not do it.

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