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HIThopper 06-15-2009 01:36 PM

ME Squat Day

Pulled conventional against an orange band today, nothing too crazy tension wise.Did pretty well form was better than usual and managed to hit 160kg 4 wheels a side so that was cool.Took a few plates off and did 3 sets of SLDL next, yowsers my whole PC blew up from these.Did my dragon flags next and then finished with uni rdl/sldls.These pump the lower back and glutes like nothing else.

ME Squat Day 15/6/09
Conv DL against 1 Orange Band 1x1 150kg, 160kg 1xM 170kg (fucker would not budge!)
SLDL+ Orange Band 3x7 100kg
Dragon Flag 3x8 BW+7.5kg
Uni RDL 20kg ea 2x12

HIThopper 06-16-2009 01:17 PM

Extra Workout 15/6/09

Still no sledding, very hard to find the time, work is still nuts so I did another little workout for lower back abs and legs.With little rest in between sets I did-

Hypers 3x10 BW+10-15kg
Planks 2x1min BW+10kg x45secs BW+15kg
Bulgarian Split Squats 2x12 BW+5kg

Good workout, it hit all my weaknesses and I felt great after.

HIThopper 06-17-2009 04:05 PM

ME Bench Day

Flat bench today,pretty good day.Worked up to 97.5kg on the bar for a double which is a PR.I then added a 2 board for a double and then some work with the 3 board.Did some inclines next and then my accessory work.Tired.

ME Bench Day 17/6/09

Bench Up to 1x2 97.5kg
Add 2 Board 1x2 100kg 1x1 105kg
Add 3 Board 1x1 105kg
Incline CG 1x5 61kg 1x3 (arms just gave out here LOL)
Chin Clusters BW+20kg 3,3,3,3,3,3,2,2,2=24 reps (nice!)
DB Skulls 4x8 16kg
Uni DB Shoulder Press 3x8 10kg,16kg,20kg

A couple of these exercies have stalled, I will rotate DB skulls to rolling tri extensions and DB shoulder press to maybe laterals or something.Weird my board work is not stronger than my full ROM, I guess its proof of a weak lockout and tris.

Ross86 06-17-2009 06:17 PM


Weird my board work is not stronger than my full ROM, I guess its proof of a weak lockout and tris.
Yep. Do you pause when you bench press?

HIThopper 06-17-2009 07:07 PM

I usually pause my board work. never usually full ROM stuff. Gonna do paused pin press for speed this week I think tho for a change of pace.

HIThopper 06-19-2009 12:23 AM

DE Squat Day

Threw the blue band on again and free squatted, but this time I tensioned it at the bottom with a brick, made it alot tighter.Anyways worked up to 120kg again but with the extra tension this was a heavy ass lift.Threw the suit on after, these were ugly, need to get in that fucker more often, straps up seems like it would be impossible, I'll get better.Did my GMs next and abs and Uni RDLs.Kick ass day.

DE Squat day 19/6/09

Free Squat + Blues 1x1 100kg,110kg,120kg
Add Suit Straps Down 1x1 120kg,130kg 1x2 140kg (all Ugly)
GM Wide 4x5 40kg, 60kg, 80kg, 92.5kg
Situps 2x10 BW+40kg 1x10 BW+45kg
Uni RDL 2x10 22.5kg ea

HIThopper 06-21-2009 02:03 PM

DE Bench Day

Worked the 3 board again for 5s this week.Man my lockouts are weak but they are improving with all the board work.Hit my speed sets without bands too, its amazing how explosive those things make you after a couple weeks.I was moving 60ish% very quickly.Did my rows next and then tris and delts.I am enjoying the delt work again.

DE Bench Day 20/6/09

3 Board 2x5 80kg, 90kg 2x4 95kg (wanted 5s but didnt want to miss)
Speed Bench 8x3 50-55kg
Straight bar Orange Band Pushdowns 4x12
Dumbell Rows 4x8 40kg ea
Power Press 4x10 30-35kg

The power press is like a partial ROM push press, I saw it on an old Brooks Kubink tape I got.Basically push to about half way up and then lower it.Its actually harder than full rom presses, and it blows my shoulders up.I will move to full MPs next cycle and alternate them I think.

HIThopper 06-22-2009 01:06 PM

ME Squat Day

Pulled sumo against the band tonight,dayum that shit was heavy.The way I setup the band was to wrap one end around the end of the bar, feed the band over the plate and then wrap it over the other end of the bar, I then rolled the bar over until the bands on the floor, then I just stand on the band and pull.Got vids I'll put em up.Anyway pulling wider stance sumo made the bands kick in even earlier, making this one tough sucker of a lift.Hit 161kg on the bar and missed 165kg half way up.Did some SLDLs next, dragon flags and then Uni RDLs for a near faceplant!.Glutes are just trashed.

ME Squat Day 22/6/09

Sumos + Orange Band 1x1 150kg, 161kg 1xM 165kg
SLDL 2x10,7 105kg (a bit too heavy but no failure)
Dragon Flags 4x8,8,6,6 BW+7.5kg
Uni RDL 2x12 22.5kg

HIThopper 06-23-2009 01:20 PM

Extra Workout 22/6/09

Did this with little rest between sets, could do Bulgarians as my left knee is sore, didnt want to aggrevate it.Will try my ass off to get sled out at least once for light trips this week.Work etc is nuts.

Hypers 3x10 +15kg
Planks with 15kg x 50secs,40,37
2x Yellow Band Wood Chops 3x12

HIThopper 06-24-2009 02:08 PM

ME Bench Day

Hit a nice triple today for a PR which was cool, then worked up on the 2 board a little.Ended up getting owned with 111kg on the bar.I shoulda stuck to my plan of doubles off boards.Dumbass.The usual chins, inclines and tri and delt work followed.Good day.

ME Bench Day 24/6/09

Bench 1x3 92.5kg (PR)
2 Board 1x1 100kg,106kg, 1xM 111kg
Incline CG 3x6 55kg
Chins 5x2 BW+25kg
Rolling Inc Tris 4-5?x8 17.5kg
Front & Side Raises 2x20

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