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HIThopper 08-22-2009 06:09 PM

DE Squat Day

Free squatted today, got 6 doubles in with between 120-135kg on the bar.Hit depth on most of my reps a couple were high, I would love to get a tad deeper but all sets felt fantastic.I did snatch grip RDLs next, these were new to me and I liked them, great work for the glutes hams lower back etc.Finished with Flags and I was pooped!!

DE Squat Day 21/8/09

Free Squat
2x2 135kg
3x2 120kg
1x2 130kg with wraps

Snatch Grip RDL
1x10 80kg
1x6 100kg
1x15 80kg
1x8 100kg

Dragon Flag
3x 12,10,10 BW+5kg

HIThopper 08-22-2009 06:20 PM

DE Bench Day

Fucking smoked it today,got in a tonne of quality lockout work, hit speed work and the bar was flying.Did some dumbell rowing next real strict and finished with JM presses, I forgot how much I love these.

DE Bench Day 22/8/09

3 Board Med Grip
1x1 100kg
1x1 106kg
1x1 112.5kg (PR)
1x2 102.5kg

4 Board CG
2x5 91kg

Speed Work
3x3 Full Rom with 55kg
3x3 2 Brd with 55kg
1x3 Full Rom with 60kg
1x3 2 board with 60kg

Dumbell Rows
4x8 30kg

EZ Bar JMs
1x12 20kg
1x10 25kg
3x8 30kg

So I have been doing my speed work with boards a little lately.I do a full rom set and immediately move to a board and do a set, preety hard going but seems to help and bar speed stays great and it gets the speed work done quickly too!

HIThopper 08-24-2009 03:50 PM

ME Squat Day

Did Arched back GMs today, went really weel first time I have actually felt like I got a good workout from GMs for ME.Hit 110kg for a nice triple and 2 singels with 120kg.Did some zerchers next and finished with planks and band leg curls.

ME Squat Day 24/8/09

Arched Back GMs
1x3 100kg
1x3 110kg (PR)
2x1 120kg (PR)

Zercher Squat Close Stance Beltless
1x3 80kg
1x3 91kg
1x3 91kg add belt

Bastard Planks
BW+15kg 3x35 secs

Yellow Band Leg Curls
3x 15,12,12

iron_worker 08-24-2009 04:51 PM

Arched back GMs seems scary to me...


Pitysister 08-24-2009 05:03 PM

rounded back gm's are the ones that should seem scary :)

nice WO hops.

HIThopper 08-24-2009 05:09 PM

Agreed round back just seems wrong.

Thx Dudes

HIThopper 08-26-2009 12:44 PM

ME Bench Day

Sweet ass day today, hit a PR of 110kg on the bar, went up pretty smooth too.Also hit a nice double with 102.5kg which is a new 2rm.Did push presses next hit a nice triple with my old max and finished with tris and cable rows, these are great.

ME Bench Day 26/8/09

1x1 100kg
1x1 110kg (PR)
1x2 102.5kg (PR)

Push Press
2x4 47.5kg
1x3 50kg
1x15 32.5kg

EZ Skull Crusher To Forehead
4x7 32.5kg
1x5 32.5kg

Cable Rows
1x8 92kg
5x10,10,9,9,9 102kg

Kick ass day, happy with that bench.

Pitysister 08-26-2009 01:19 PM

nice pr dood.

iron_worker 08-26-2009 03:46 PM

So is that 110kg = 242lb + bar (10kg?)= 264lb? Or did you get a standard bar? I can't remember.

Either way... nice!


HIThopper 08-26-2009 04:23 PM

That seems about right on Dub, I think the bar is 9kg tho.

Thanks man.

& Thx Pitski

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