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Riddick2112 09-27-2007 01:08 PM

there's a whole wall of mirors in my employer's gym where i train, but I purposely put the platform and rack in a spot that i cant see myself in any of them.

HH, I'd bet the farm your squatting will improve another 1000% now that you arent relying on the mirror! hip drive is something to "feel", not see.

just my $.02


Riddick2112 09-27-2007 01:10 PM

btw, i'd like to mention how awesome it's been reading the info and ideas presented by Eric and Jeffo in this thread. Very interesting and informative stuff guys, many thanks!!!!

EricT 09-27-2007 01:48 PM


HIThopper 09-27-2007 11:16 PM


HH, I'd bet the farm your squatting will improve another 1000% now that you arent relying on the mirror! hip drive is something to "feel", not see.
I agree thanks Riddick btw Another (1000% lol I wish it has improved that much!!)

Good to see ya back around here mate.

HIThopper 09-27-2007 11:30 PM

Performance Day

Squat 1x4 97.5kg
Bench 1x3 78.5kg
Chin 1x5 BW+15kg (PR)

Ok so I was shooting for 3 reps on squats but got 4!! form was not fantastic but acceptable I guess.I hate PR day only doing 1 set sucks balls hard, it feels too much like a HIT workout :biglaugh: Today was my 1st time squatting with a belt.It felt good, I just bought a cheaper Nike one to use until my intzer arrives (thanks 311).Bench was a bit heavy? but I had a massive day at work so we will see how things go next week ,I will be trying to equal my previous PRs next week.

Cheers HIThopper

Jeffo 09-28-2007 07:16 AM

Thanks Riddick. Thanks to you too Eric, you've discussed some very useful stuff.

Unfortunately I've never had a chance to squat without a mirror. Non-the-less, I think I rely totally on feel anyways. I've gotten to the point now where I can feel if I've come out of the hole correctly or not. It took me a long time to get this down. I usually wear a t-shirt with a symbol in the center and just stare at it the whole time. I'd like to try without a mirror at some point, as I'm sure it's a different experience all together. Most guys seem to like it better as well.

My training is moving along slowly but fine at the moment Hops. I actually find the set-up quite enjoyable. I'll update my log sometime soon. Looks like you're doing fine so far as well. Don't you hate when you mistakenly do more than you'd expected? Getting close to 100kg on the Squat as well mate. That'll be a milestone and a half!!


Jeffo 09-28-2007 07:17 AM

Your chin-up performance has really taken off as well since you made those changes a while ago. Congrats!!


HIThopper 09-30-2007 07:20 PM

Ok guys great workout today, squats felt fantastic for the first time in ages.My whole lower body was begging for mercy by my last set.Im so relieved.I looked at the footage and I look a little awkward!! but my back arch is waaaaay tighter and my elbow position is much better.I focused on trying to keep the elbows under the bar whilst trying to pull my forearms together, the result was a much tighter upper back which led to a much tighter lower back, a more upright position and much more power out the hole.Felt great.(FYI I used to get my elbows up too high behind me and it made keeping the back tight harder)

Bench was awesome too, I made a larger jump in weight than planned but had no probs at all getting my reps, the last rep of the last set was hard but not too bad.

I was pretty tired by the time chins rolled around but had no probs there either,Today was one of those good days I guess. :)

Stress Day 1/10/07

Squat 5x3 93.5kg
Bench 5x3 75kg
Chin 5x5 BW+7.5kg

Great stuff Im very happy I though I was gonna be stuck in the squat rut forever!!

I planned to do carb cut offs today but screw that Im gonna eat, that workout was too good to waste! :biglaugh:

Tommorrow stretching and cardio.

Cheers HIThopper

marv 09-30-2007 07:58 PM

Good stuff mate!!!


HIThopper 10-03-2007 12:47 AM

Light Day today

Squats were good ,form looked better on camera again so thats good,presses were grinders by the end of the last set but my shoulders were loving them, great pump there.
Deadlifts were pretty good too, 117.5kg felt lighter than 115 felt last week. :)

Light Day 3/10/07
Squat 2x5 72.5kg
Press 5x5 36kg
Deadlift 1x5 117.5kg

Good workout.

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