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iron_worker 11-19-2010 11:17 AM

50 reps of deads and squats is killer. Doesn't help that I superset my ab work on deadlift day ... hanging leg raises .. talk about grip work!

iron_worker 11-22-2010 05:30 AM

Friday November 19th, 2010

BW: 191.2lb ... whoa ... went up 3lb in a week.

bar x 5
100lb x 5
125lb x 5
150lb x 3

195lb x 3
210lb x 3
240lb x 3 (+2)

135lb,145lb,155lb - 3x10

Had another sh!t day ... I dunno what happened. This week has been majorly up and down for me.

Pull Through
playing around - 5x10


Well this was Friday's workout but I didn't get to posting it until today. It was a very lack luster and low energy workout. I have to figure out what is going on with me.


iron_worker 11-22-2010 06:10 PM

Monday November 22nd, 2010

BW: 190.6lb

bar x 10
95lb x 5
115lb x 5
135lb x 3

155lb x 3
175lb x 3
200lb x 3 (+6)

135lb, 145lb, 155lb, 165lb, 165lb - 5x10

Well I just squeezed the reps I needed this time. I was really worried I'd have a repeat of last week. Oh yeah, I missed the last 2 reps of my 5x10 on the last set but it's still by far the heaviest I've done on that so I'm still happy.

Chin ups
bw x 6,5,4,3,2

I got one more rep on the first set but I absolutely gassed out by the end.


My buddy is gone tues-thurs this week so I decided to just go mon and friday and repeat my sh!tty days I had last week. I couldn't stand looking at those crap numbers scarring up my 5/3/1 sheet. So I guess I'm "redoing" week 2 sort of...

Hoping to get my squat back to where it should be this friday.


iron_worker 11-26-2010 05:07 PM

Friday November 26th, 2010

BW: 191.2lb

bar x 5
95lb x 5
135lb x 5
155lb x 3

185lb x 3
210lb x 3
240lb x 3 (+2)

135lb,145lb,155lb,165lb,175lb - 5x10

About the same as last week which I'm not too happy about...

Pull Through
skipped - back was all jacked up


Well I have a few theories of why I can't seem to progress:

1) I shouldn't have made the big increase
2) 11 reps is (week 1) is too high to use the theoretical calculator
3) I'm fucked in the head
4) I'm fucked in the body

Not too sure how to progress from here. I can either

1) Continue on as I am and just do the best I can
2) Reset the weight back down


HIThopper 11-28-2010 04:46 PM

Are you talking about progressing your squat?

iron_worker 11-28-2010 07:42 PM

Yes I'm talking about my squat.

I went from 225 x 11 on week one to 240lb x 5 on week 2 (twice) ... which is a 25lb decrease according to the theoretical max calculator.


HIThopper 11-29-2010 04:35 AM

WTF is a theoretical max calculator?

You shouldnt need a calculator to train dude.

Lets see a squat vid, then we can work on what to do to progress it.IME squats need a good variety of special exercises to keep progress going.

iron_worker 11-29-2010 05:24 AM

That's kind of the basis of the 5/3/1 program. Since you're always lifting different weight you need a way to compare each max effort set. I don't use the theoretical max as anything other than numbers for comparison sake and something to shoot for the next week.

Theoretical max = weight + weight * reps * .033

I should definitely put up a squat vid. I'll try to get one this week.


iron_worker 11-29-2010 06:26 PM

Monday November 29th, 2010

BW: 191.4lb

bar x 10
95lb x 5
115lb x 5
135lb x 3

165lb x 5
190lb x 3
210lb x 1 (+5)

135lb, 145lb, 155lb, 155lb, 135lb - 5x10

Well right back to a sh!tty bench day again. Was shooting for 8 reps. I'm not sure whats up but it's really fucking with my head.

Chin ups
bw x 6,5,4,4,2


Well this is week 3 of my slump I guess. I don't wtf is going on but it's really pissing me off.


HIThopper 11-29-2010 10:30 PM

Do you max reps on your last set every workout Dub?

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