Wednesday Oct 10/07
We decided to try a max test day since we've been doing this for about 6 weeks now. Here are the results...
Workout A
- bar x a few? (warmup/stretch)
- 115lbs x 5 (warmup)
-135lbs x 3 (warmup)
-165lbs x 1 (weight acclimation)
-185lbs x 1 (weight acclimation Sort of?)
-205lbs x 1 (missed...damnit)
-195lbs x 1 (missed again...too burnt out)
Well can't say I'm exactly happy with this since I hammered 185lbs no problem. Felt really strong then went to 205lbs and just sucked out hardcore. I struggled on 205lbs for a while and burnt myself out pretty bad so I couldn't do 195lbs which I'm sure I could have done if I had just gone from 185 to 195 directly. Grrr, what a piss off. I may add in a bench set on friday to try this again. I really wanted to crack that 200 barrier.
- bar x 10 ish (warmup/stretch)
- 135lbs x 5 (warmup)
- 185lbs x 1 (weight acclimation)
- 205lbs x 1 (max attempt ... nailed it)
- 225lbs x 1 (max attempt ...quite solid)
- 245lbs x 1 (missed)
- 235lbs x 1 (missed)
Well I'm happy I got the 225lbs but I think I got a little over anxious with the 20lb jump to 245lbs. I think had I gone directly to 235lbs from 225lbs I would have got it. O well, good progress here from last year. Up 20lbs on my max. Gotta learn how to read my body a little better.
standing rows
- bar x 8 (warmup)
- 115lbs x 3 (warmup)
- 135lbs x 3 (weight acclimation)
- 155lbs x 3 (3RM max attempt...easy)
- 165lbs x 3 (3RM max attempt...nailed it)
- 175lbs x 3 (3RM max attempt...finished strong)
- 185lbs x 3 (3RM max attemnt... form slipped)
I will call 175lbs my new 3RM for this. Feeling pretty strong about that. Didn't think I'd get that high.
Accessory Lifts
I called these off cause my elbow was killing me.
Cable Ab pull down
- 80bs x10 (warmup)
- 130lbs 3x10
10:30am - Weight Gainer
noon - spag. and chicken breast
2pm - double burger, 2 ephedrine, energy drink
2:30 - Workout
PWO- shake
PPWO - Chunky Beef Soup
6:30 - beans and tuna
8:30 - shake
Iron Worker