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EricT 01-30-2008 11:50 AM

It's not an area of the back you should play around with. Inflamed nevers and such tend to resolve themselves but it may be worth checking out.


As for the MP being a PR, I was just not sure since its the first time I've done that much weight but I know I could have done it before. Probably could have done more on a different day. But I'll take it either way.
That's why they're called PR's :). We don't have PPR's (potential PR's). "Hey, I got 300X3 today; that's a PPR of 305 or so." Then there's the PUPR (parallel universe PR)....:D

Ross86 01-30-2008 06:34 PM

Haha that's funny. I found a formula in FLEX that predicted 5 people's bench press 1RM at 98% accuracy based on a 5RM. And another formula that predicted squats/deads at 94% accuracy. I told a friend and he figured what his would be...and he went around telling people that they were his maxes. :lame:

Good work though. PRs are always good. What is your PR for power curls? :)

iron_worker 01-30-2008 07:51 PM

lol that is lame. If you haven't actually lifted it then its not a PR. Even if you're staying on the "safe side of estimation". But ya, power

iron_worker 01-31-2008 02:25 PM

Thurs Jan 31/08

Weighed in today...much to my surprise I'm down to 168lbs....thats 3lb loss. I thought for sure I'd gained. I'm pretty sure I must have lost a bit of muscle there. Damn. I guess I'm officially single digit bf % now.

My calculations estimate me to be around 9.5% bf now.

- bar x 5 (warmup/stretch)
- 135lbs x 5 (warmup)
- 155bs x 3
- 175lbs x 1 (weight accl)
- 185lbs 3x8

Whoa man these make me tired but I'm glad we're doing them. I can really feel my endurance getting better.

*EDIT* Forgot to mention that I didn't notice my hands going numb. I forgot to look out for it though so I'm not sure if I just wasn't looking for it or it wasn't happening. Pretty sure it didn't happen though.

Bench (heavy)
- bar x 5 (warmup/stretch)
-135lbs x 3(warmup)
-155lbs x 2
-175lbs x 1 (weight accl)
-195lbs x 1 (weight accl)
-210lbs x 2

Not too bad. I was going to try for 215lbs but I decided to go on the safe side. I tried for rep 3 but it wasn't quite there. My spotter told me I was damn close though.

I made alot of noise while trying actually scared the guys that were installing a new mirror. haha

Pendlay Rows
-30kg x 5 (stretch/warmup)
-40kg x4
-50kg x 3 (weight accl)
-60kg x 1
-67.5kg 3x5

Done and done. Really trying to maintain explosiveness on these. Gets a little wild sometimes. ha



bw x 5 (stretch)
bw + 40lbs 3x10

This was an odd workout on these. First set was almost fail, second set was easy, and the third set was almost fail again? W/E moving on! lol

Hanging Leg Raises

bw 1x10,1x8,1x6

Trying a new main ab exercise and oh man its tough! This would should help work those abs nicely.

Side Bends

70lbs x 5 (stretch)
95lbs 3x10

These always suck. But I finished.


9:30- 1.5 scoops whey, 2/3 cup oats, ECA stack

10:45 - workout

12:30 - PWO - 1 scoop isolate

1:00 - PPWO - chicken wrap and veggies

3:00 - can of chicken, spinach, pickles, olives, italian

5:00 - steak, whole wheat pasta, veggies

7:00 - chicken breast, veggies

9:00 - not too sure yet....


Well I'm pretty happy with today's results. High volume squats are coming along nicely. My bench has taken a slight hit for max performance I think but not as bad as I'd initally thought so thats good and bad. I'm pretty much sick of cutting so I'm glad mexico is in 2 weeks!


iron_worker 02-03-2008 02:19 PM

Sunday Feb 3/08

Squats (heavy day)
- bar x 5 (warmup/stretch)
- 135lbs x 4 (warmup)
- 185lbs x 2 (weight acclimation)
- 205lbs x 1 (weight accl)
- 225lbs x 1 (weight accl)
- 245lbs x 1 PR!
- 255lbs x 0, 255lbs x 1, 255lbs x 1 PR! (thats ~1.51 x bw...nice)
- 215lbs 1x4
- 205lbs 1x5

Well, this might need some explaining. I nailed 245lbs and it felt so solid that I moved up another 10lbs. Then I played mind games with myself and failed on 255 for my first attempt. So I rested again and tried again. I got it but my spotter touched me on the way up so I wasn't sure if I could actually call it my own. I was about to just leave it as is but then I got under again and hit it with no spot. Felt so good! I was pretty burnt for the work sets after but still really happy with 2 PRs in one exercise.

Priority Military Press
-bar x 5 (stretch)
-85lbs x 3 (warmup)
-95lbs x 1 (weight accl)
-115lbs x 1 (weight accl)
-135lbs x 1 (PR!)
-105lbs 2x5

Well I got the weight I was lookin for on my first attempt so I didn't try to go any higher. The rep was real slow but it just kept going so I'll take what I can get.

Bench (volume day)
- bar x 8 (warmup/stretch)
-115lbs x 5
-135lbs x 3(weight acclimation)
-155bs x 1 (weight acclimation)
-170lbs 4x8 (this is more then I weigh now~!)

Didn't think I was going to finish since M.Press was so hard today but I barely squeezed on the last rep.

Pendlay Rows

I think we actually forgot to do these today....oops. Oh well, it took long enough as it was.


bw + 17.5lbs 2x5, 1x3

I was just absolutely drained by this point... Try again next time.

Accessory Lifts


180lbs x 8
270lbs x 5
340lbs 3x10

Put these before bench today to give some arm rest after M.Press.

Hamstring Curls

skipped these in favor of time today


9:30am - 1.5 scoops of whey in 2/3 cup of oatmeal

10:45 - workout

1:30 -PWO - 1 scoop isolate

2:00- PPWO - chicken wrap, veggies

3:00 - 1.5 scoops whey to hold me over

5:00 - whole wheat pasta, 6 hard boiled eggs, black olives, italian... (not that great lol)

7:00 - chicken breast, veggies, almonds


One of the best days I've had in a while. Very draining but definately worth the PRs I made today. Thanks to Eric for suggesting the program to maintain my strength on this cut.


Pitysister 02-03-2008 06:35 PM

nice work dude.

iron_worker 02-03-2008 09:08 PM

Thanks man!

iron_worker 02-05-2008 01:50 PM

Tues Feb 5/2008

60kg x 5 (stretch)
80kg x 3 (warmup)
100kg x 1 (weight acclimation)
120kg 3x5

Since we did our heavy single on this we're going to start back into doing some volume work. Might recycle back to a heavy triple next week with a couple sets of 5 after for some volume. This felt pretty good. Definately feelin stronger then I once was.

Light Squats
bar x 5 (stretch)
115lbs x 5 (warmup)
135lbs x 3 (warmup)
165lbs 3x5

Might bump this up 5lbs soon. Don't want to get excessive though as its mostly a stretch/form practice.



bw x 5 (warmup)
bw+42.5lbs 3x10

Next time I get to bump to a 45lb plate. Score. Thats a landmark I've been waiting for for quite some time.

Hanging Leg Raises

bw - 1x10, 1x8,1x7

These are really hard but I think they're far better then the cable stuff we were doing before.


Currently on the lookout for a new exercise. We were doing side bends but I've found that its making my "love handle" area bulge out. For now thats fine cause my bf is pretty low but when I put some weight back on they're just gonna look like love handles... Any suggestions for more of a twisting motion exercise?

Pendlay Rows

35kg x 5 (stretch)
45kg x 3 (warmup)
55kg 3x5

Well we forgot about these last day and we had some extra time today since its our short day so we stuck in a light set of these.
Worked on proper form and explosiveness. Felt really good.


9:30am - 1.5 scoops whey and bowl of oatmeal

10:00am - ECA stack

10:30 - workout

12:00 - PWO - 1 scoop isolate

12:30 - chicken wrap

2:30 - spinach, can of tuna, olives, pickles, mustard

4:30 - 1.5 scoops whey with soy milk, little bit of no fat yogurt

more to come...


About 1.5 weeks out from mexico trip and I'm fricken pumped. Really sick of this diet but I'm gonna try to keep to hold to my guns for the last little bit and hopefully be lookin real good on the beach. Really happy I maintained most of my strength on this cut. Well actually I think I had lost some strength right at the beginning and I've been slowly working back to where I was at before. The shock of my gross diet before to the super clean diet during cutting had a big effect on my body. I'm used to it now and making some slow forward progress.


EricT 02-05-2008 03:17 PM

Cable wood chops are great. Prone russian twists or barbell russian twists.

Remember that the rotation is from the hips and the upper back. Not the low back. Good idea. Will work the internal obliques on one side and the external on the other.

Pitysister 02-05-2008 06:23 PM

i would also go with the quite well for me...and try the overhead side bends if you haven't...killed me the first time i did them.

i recycle the 3 of good.

iron_worker 02-06-2008 03:36 PM

You guys have any links to good vids of those? Thanks.

Pitysister 02-06-2008 03:43 PM

well for the's pretty much the same as regular side bends...only...take one dumbbell overhead..start out light the first time....hold the db with both hands...bend right...come back...bend left...

less more hurt = good :)

and the russians...put your feet under half a situp...hold your arms straight out in front of you with a plate in them...turn left...pause...back to the right...pause...back to middle....

iron_worker 02-06-2008 03:44 PM

Damn you're fast. lol
Thanks for the explanation.

Pitysister 02-06-2008 03:46 PM

in between sets i sit at the computer :)

iron_worker 02-07-2008 03:23 PM

Thurs Feb 07/08

Weighed in at 165.5lbs today. Down another 2.5lbs. Didn't see that one comin. That means I'm down 21.5lbs since ~Dec 10...thats intense.

Should be right in the 8-9% bf range I would say... unless its muscle I'm losing. I really hope not. My strength has been coming back lately so I don't think so.

- bar x 5 (warmup/stretch)
- 135lbs x 5 (warmup)
- 155bs x 3
- 175lbs x 1 (weight accl)
- 190lbs 3x8

This high volume squat early in the morning really gets my heart going. I like it. It was real tiring today but I'm happy with my progress.

Bench (max)
- bar x 5 (warmup/stretch)
-135lbs x 3(warmup)
-155lbs x 2
-175lbs x 1 (weight accl)
-195lbs x 1 (weight accl)
-220lbs x 1
-225lbs x 0
-180llbs 1x5,1x3 (dead tired)

Well I wasn't sure if I should just go right up and try the 225lbs or if I should play it safe and hit the 220lbs. So i played it safe since if I didn't get the 225lbs then I probably would be too burnt to get anything else. So, I was too tired to get the next one but I'll try again next week. This means my strength on bench has not taken too much of a hit...or its recovered anyways lol.

Pendlay Rows
-30kg x 5 (stretch/warmup)
-40kg x4
-50kg x 3 (weight accl)
-60kg x 1
-70kg 3x5

Pretty dang heavy today. I finished but my form was getting a bit loosey goosey if you know what I mean.


bw +17.5lbs - 3x5

Done and done ... and even on a row day!


Calf Work

180lbs x 8
270lbs x 6
345lbs 3x10

Some days on this seem real heavy and others not so much.

Hamstring Curl (sitting machine)

70lbs x 5 (warmup)
85lbs 3x10

These are going better now that I've dropped way back and am concentrating on form.


9:30- 1.5 scoops whey, 2/3 cup oats, ECA stack

10:45 - workout

12:30 - PWO - Forgot my shake! wah!

1:00 - PPWO - chicken wrap and veggies

3:00 - can of tuna, lettuce, pickles, olives, italian

4:30 - 1.5 scoops whey in soy milk

6:00 - canned chicken, spinach, olives, pickles

8:00 - not too sure yet....


High volume squats are really helping my endurance I think. Its also nice to give my body a break from the high intensity work 2x a week (especially on this diet). I'm glad my strength numbers are back up to at least close to where they were before. Lookin forward to a clean bulk after my mexico trip. Got big strength gain plans! One good thing about cutting is it makes your lifts look alot better relative to your weight lol.

Oh ya, we tried so hard not to forget rows today... and we didn't...but we forgot DB M. Press. Half a dozen of one, 6 of the other. Shit. DB M.Press just gets left out everytime. Thats sucks. I guess we really didn't have any extra time left today anyways.


iron_worker 02-10-2008 04:38 PM

Sunday Feb 10/08

Squats (heavy day)
- bar x 5 (warmup/stretch)
- 135lbs x 4 (warmup)
- 185lbs x 2 (weight acclimation)
- 205lbs x 1 (weight accl)
- 225lbs 3x3

I think we're gonna start a 3x3 day and a 3x8 day for volume and heavy day for squats so this is where I'll start for this.

Bench (volume day)
- bar x 8 (warmup/stretch)
-115lbs x 5
-135lbs x 3(weight acclimation)
-155bs x 1 (weight acclimation)
-175lbs 4x8

Really close to not finishing but I squeaked up the last rep.

Pendlay Rows

40kg x 5 (warmup/stretch)
50kg x 3 (warmup)
60kg x 1 (weight accl)
72.5kg 3x5

I dunno if I'd call it complete or not. My form got pretty sloppy I think.


bw 3x8

For some reason I just go downhill fast on volume bench days. This was rough.


Hanging Leg Raises

2x10, 1x8

My grip sucks after a full workout. Could barely hang on.

Decline Sit ups

Did the twisting sit up things.

3x 10-12


...crappy... thats all I'm gonna say.


Well I drank last night I really shouldn't have. I was sposed to go to the gym in the morning but I couldn't do er. So, needless to say I was lacking motivation today. Thats why some of my lifts sucked pretty bad. Well anyways, I'm off to Cancun soon so that will be sweet.


HIThopper 02-10-2008 10:32 PM

Your fatloss is fantastic, well done IW, your lifts are very impressive for your BW too, nice work.Makes me want trim my fatass down a bit!!:biglaugh:

iron_worker 02-11-2008 02:28 PM

Well if there is one thing this cut has taught me its that a clean bulk is sooooo important. My bulk cycle was pretty outta hand and I had gained more fat then I thought. I'm gonna try to keep it sub 12% when I bulk this time around.

Oh ya, thanks for checkin in on me!


Pitysister 02-11-2008 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by iron_worker (Post 48421)

Oh ya, thanks for checkin in on me!


your so needy ;)

good numbers man....did you do russians, or did you just do situps and turn your torso at the top?

iron_worker 02-11-2008 03:11 PM

Just sit ups with the twist. I am going to sit down some time and research the different ab movements but I'm pretty crazy busy right now so I just did something I knew.

And ya, I'm a little needy. Ha, I like to hear some words of encouragement every now and then.


jessca 02-11-2008 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by iron_worker (Post 48428)

And ya, I'm a little needy. Ha, I like to hear some words of encouragement every now and then.



seriously tho, that's awesome that u lost that weight! :)

iron_worker 02-12-2008 06:27 AM

Now everyone is a comic eh? lol jj Thanks.

iron_worker 02-12-2008 03:18 PM

Tues Feb 12/2008

60kg x 4 (stretch)
90kg x 2 (warmup)
110kg x 1 (weight acclimation)
125kg 3x5

This was *heavy* but I pushed through and got er done. I dont' think I've ever done heavier then that for reps. Mind you... I haven't really done much for 3x5 deads.

Light Squats
bar x 5 (stretch)
115lbs x 5 (warmup)
135lbs x 3 (warmup)
175lbs 3x5

Upped light squats 10lbs. I thought it would be too much but it went alright.

BB Military Press
bar x 5 (warmup/stretch)
85lbs x 3 (warmup)
95lbs x 1 (weight accl)
105lbs 3x5

This felt pretty good.

Pull ups

bw+20lbs 3x5

No rows = much better pull-up day. Done and done.

Accessory Work

Calf Raises

180lbs x 8
270lbs x 5
350lbs 3x10

Heavy but when isn't it?


50lbs x 5 (warmup)
85lbs 3x10

Workin my way back up properly on this exercise.

Diet P.S. My diet has been sucking cause I'm leaving for mexico at the end of the week and I don't want to buy groceries again. So, its been alot of shakes.

9:30am - 1.5 scoops whey and bowl of oatmeal

10:30 - workout

12:30 - PWO - 1 scoop isolate

1:00 - tuna wrap and broc.

3:00 - 1.5 scoops whey

4:30 - 1.5 scoops whey in soy milk + almonds

6:00 - 1.5 scoops whey in water.... holy hell thats alot of shakes

I'll try and eat some real food soon before I waste away.


Well this is the final week before Cancun and I'm feelin pretty good about it. I'm mostly maintained my strength and even gained about on some exercises over my cutting cycle. I'd get some pictures up for you guys but I'm waiting for this damn skin irritation to clear up after I got my chest waxed! lol It better go away before the trip or I'll be very mad/sad.


iron_worker 02-14-2008 08:36 PM

Thurs Feb 14/08 - Last Workout Day before Cancun on V-day!

Weighed in at 165.0lbs today. 22.0lbs weight loss since Dec 10. Not bad I'd say.

Squats (volume day)
- bar x 5 (warmup/stretch)
- 135lbs x 5 (warmup)
- 155lbs x 4 (weight acclimation)
- 175lbs x 3 (weight accl)
- 195lbs 3x8

Just about blew a gasket but I finished!

Bench (max attempt)
- bar x 4 (warmup/stretch)
-135lbs x 3(weight acclimation)
-165bs x 2(weight acclimation)
-185lbs x 1
-205lbs x 1
-225lbs x 0 Wah!
-185lbs x 3
-165lbs x 5

Well I couldn't put up my old max so I was pretty sad and after that I think I really stretched something in my chest cause I couldn't lift for shit.

Pendlay Rows

40kg x 5 (warmup/stretch)
50kg x 3 (warmup)
60kg x 1 (weight accl)
72.5kg 3x5

Too heavy. Have to reset or something when I get back.


bw + 42.5lbs 3x10

The difference between a good dip day and a bad dip day for me is ridiculous. On to the 45 plate I guess!


Hanging Leg Raises

2x10, 1x8

My grip sucks after a full workout. Could barely hang on.

Decline bench was busy...was running late already so that was that. No oblique work today.


At this point it doesn't matter... lol


Well I lost some strength over my cut but not too much. I did manage to lose a significant amount of weight and get fairly cut so I'm happy. Cancun is gonna be awesome. Maybe I'll post a pic up after I come back of me being so jacked and tanned .... and drunk. lol jj


Ross86 02-15-2008 04:22 AM

That's awesome. It's good to see you hit your goal before the trip. Have a great time in Cancun.

Pitysister 02-15-2008 04:36 AM

have a nice vacation dude....i would kill for warm weather.

widdoes2504 02-15-2008 05:31 AM

Congrats on meeting your goals man and enjoy Cancun :weights:

iron_worker 02-15-2008 02:42 PM

Thanks guys, I definately will enjoy Cancun. It'll be an awesome relaxation from going ballz out in school for so long. Im just headin out now so don't miss me too much!

iron_worker 02-26-2008 02:33 PM

Tues Feb 26/2008

Well I guess its been a while! Missed 4 workouts while I was away.

Guess I should report that I'm done cutting now for quite a while I hope. I need to put on some serious size now. So, I got lots of groceries today and I hope to get my exact meal plan figured out soon.

Also, I'm really burnt out from the trip and feeling a little sicky/head cold comin on so my performance was lacking.

70kg x 4 (stretch)
90kg x 2 (warmup)
100kg x 1 (weight acclimation)
110kg 3x5

Decided to start back in light and its a damn good thing I did. Tired as hell doing deads is a bad combo.

BB Military Press
bar x 5 (warmup/stretch)
65lbs x 3 (Warmup)
85lbs x 2 (weight accl.)
105lbs 3x5

This was one of the only exercises that felt half decent today... Ah well.

Light Squats
bar x 5 (stretch)
115lbs x 5 (warmup)
135lbs x 3 (warmup)
175lbs 3x5

Even light squats felt heavy. lol

Pull ups

bw+15lbs x5
bw+10lbs 1x5,1x4

This was rough. Real rough.

Accessory Work

Calf Raises

Was busy and didn't feel like waiting/was completely drained by the end.


50lbs x 5 (warmup)
75lbs 3x10


9:30am - 1.5 scoops whey and 2/3cup oats

10:30 - workout

12:15 - PWO - 1 scoop isolate

1:00 - chicken wrap

5:30- Bacon Carbonara sidekicks with can of tuna (yum, was treating myself here)


Well Cancun was kickass but now the gym is kickin my ass! O well, I guess I should expect it. Its kind of a forced deload. Ha. Well, I hope to start making some sweet gains now again. This time however, I'm trying to keep it clean.


widdoes2504 02-26-2008 06:15 PM

Welcome back Ironworker. Good luck on adding some mass. :weights:

iron_worker 02-26-2008 06:38 PM

Thanks man. My long term goal is to hit 200lbs at around 10% bf. I know its a not something thats going to happen soon but its something to work towards. I'm also waiting to see how the strength gains start coming on then I'm going to make some short term goals. For example I would like to squat 275lbs by the end of this year. (2 months)

iron_worker 02-28-2008 07:51 PM

Thurs Feb 28/08

No workout today... We had one design presentation this morning and another design presentations tomorrow so unfortunately we just couldn't squeeze it in. I'm still sore from last time as well. So maybe this will be good? I dunno, I'll get back at er on sunday.


iron_worker 03-02-2008 02:02 PM

Sunday March 2/2008

No workout again... Oh man I'm falling apart here. I got sick over the weekend. I really feel like a bag of shit for missing so many workouts now.

EricT 03-02-2008 02:48 PM

It'll be OK man. That's just how it is. Do your work out at home or at a gym? I can't remember.

TALO 03-02-2008 04:40 PM

Ya, don't worry about it. Sometimes a person needs time off.

Pitysister 03-02-2008 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by iron_worker (Post 49952)
Sunday March 2/2008

No workout again... Oh man I'm falling apart here. I got sick over the weekend. I really feel like a bag of shit for missing so many workouts now.

that reminds me of my favorite band shirt ever...

on the front it says "don't like In Flames?"

on the back it says..." then eat a bag of shit."

weeks off are good man :) probably caught some rare std down in cancun ;)

Ross86 03-02-2008 05:21 PM

^^^ :biglaugh:

iron_worker 03-03-2008 03:19 PM

Well if so, my gf and I are going to have to have a serious talk cause she was there too. lol Well, I'm hoping to be feeling better and back at it tomorrow and then steadily again from then on out.

Pitysister 03-03-2008 03:27 PM

guy in my bowling league just got back from a week in mexico..and he's sick as a dog...must be a common thing :)

iron_worker 03-03-2008 03:32 PM

Well the week of staying up late, drinking all day and night, eating foods that you're not used to, and generally just doing things that you would never normally do wears a person down. Then, I get back to the cold ass weather of Saskatchewan and BAM, sick.

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