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iron_worker 10-20-2008 08:36 PM

Monday Oct 20th/2008 - Lower 1

-60kg x 5
-80kg x 4
-100kg x 3
-120kg x 2
-140kg x 1
-160kg x 1
-170kg x 1 (5kg PR)
-100kg x 7

Well I made the pull but my form definately slipped. I might have given myself a small strain so I did some lighter weight to give it a good stretch afterwards. We'll see how my low back feels tomorrow but I definately know that my low back needs to be worked on in order to bring up my deadlift.

DE High Box Front Squats

-bar x 5
-95lbs x 5
-115lbs 10 x 2

Very fast. Holding a very tight arch made my back feel better as well.

Back Extensions
bw x 10, 3x12

First time doing these. Focuses on maintaining a natural back position and making sure the motion was coming from my hips. Went down until I felt a pull in the hammies. I think these should help my deads/squats alot once I get some weight on them.

Hanging Leg Raises
bw 3 x 7

Working back up to reasonable numbers slowly.


Well I made the PR but I'm a little disapointed. My form sucked pretty bad. On a positive note that puts me back over the 2.0x bw ratio for deads. Alright.

Also, my workout partner and I have decided to change our routine to a 3 day program. We will be following westside much more by the book. As far as basic setup is it kind of like this?:

Day 1 - ME Bench (or variation)+ Bench Assistance

Day 2- ME Squat/Deadlift (or variation) + squat/DL assistance

Day 3 - DE Bench / DE squat or DL

Is that the general idea or am I missing something. I'll be looking around in DH's journal and Hits journal because I think they are following WS pretty closely.


EricT 10-21-2008 04:35 AM

If you ever feel like you have gotten a strain then just stop working it. Stretching or pumping or anything like that is just encouraging more damage. I know that sometimes you just have a knotty muscle or an overactive area and so a little stretch or foam roller can be just the same..but if you really feel like it's a strain, the first order of business is to not damage it further.

iron_worker 10-21-2008 06:24 AM

Point taken E.

My back feels tight today but not really too sore so I'll be alright. I really gotta work on my low back stability.


Pitysister 10-21-2008 06:31 AM

weighted planks...plenty of bird dogs :)

Ross86 10-21-2008 12:39 PM

Are the back extensions you do the same thing as hyper extensions?

iron_worker 10-21-2008 02:53 PM

Could be. I assumed hyper extensions meant you went past the point of your natural arch which I don't. Maybe they are the same thing.


Ross86 10-21-2008 07:13 PM

I suppose they probably are the same thing. I do mine with one leg locked in while holding a DB. They're fun. You can use resistance bands or chains also.

iron_worker 10-22-2008 06:29 AM

Tuesday Oct 21st/2008 - Upper 1

Weight: 184.8lbs

ME CG BB Bench Press
-bar x 8
-135lbs x 5
-185lbs x 3
-205lbs x 3
-215lbs x 3
-225lbs x 3
-235lbs x 2 (current PR)

Very happy with today's bench workout. I did 2 reps of my current PR and I did more reps coming up to it. Nice.

DE CG BB Incline Bench
45lbs x 5
65lbs x 4
95lbs 6x3

I have never really done incline... and wow is it way different. I found it very difficult considering the weight.

bw x 3
bw + 25lbs 2x2
bw + 35lbs 2x1
bw x 6

Well I'm trying to get the total weight pulled up so I can increase the reps done with lower weight/no weight.

DB Sitting Skull Crusher
35lbs x 10
45lbs x 12
55lbs x 8
65lbs x 8
55lbs x 8

I found these work my triceps slightly unevenly since my hands are "stacked" underneath the DB. The hand that is directly on the DB does more of the work then the hand that is pushing on the other hand. (did I say hand too many times? lol)


I'm very happy with the benching results. I should be albe to nail a PR sometime soon.

And now its time to take a day off and hopefully get my back in shape for squatting on thursday.


Pitysister 10-22-2008 01:10 PM

i did that on pullups for awhile...and when i got back to body weight...i ripped out sixteen. still not flyusmc though :)

iron_worker 10-23-2008 07:11 AM

So what does everyone think of a 3 day WS program like this:

Day 1(monday) - ME Squat/Deadlift + squat/DL assistance

Day 2(thursday) - ME Bench + bench assistance

Day 3(saturday) - DE Squat/Deadlift + DE Bench

Hits has the DE days split out but I'd like to be able to stick em together if possible. Does this work?

Thanks guys,


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