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Pitysister 01-21-2008 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Eric3237 (Post 46745)
There is no excuse for not house training a dog.

agreed x 8778999.

i swear this dog is has a problem going up stairs. so i let it out to do it's walks in 8 circles before taking a shit...and then when it has to come back up the runs in a circle...sometimes two. puts its paw on the bottom step. sits there.....runs in a circle. paw on step. run in circle....and then finally if you yell at it comes up the stairs.

cute little thing...and i love him...but...some of the cogs on the gears are missing.

gained all my weight back from having the flu. money.


squat - 151 3 x 5

bench - 166 3 x 5

row - 106 3 x 5

dips - 40 2 x 8, 1 x 6

oh side bends - 25 2 x 7

situps weight overhead - 20 2 x 15

squats moved a little slow...kept form though...good to be above 150 again. bench. slower than it should have been...may need to switch it up. rows felt awesome. dips felt awesome...lugging around 40 pounds is not that fun though. last night with the dog.

Pitysister 01-23-2008 03:40 PM


deads - 186 x 8

light squat - 101, 2 x 5

MP - 101, 3 x 5

pullups - 20, 3 x 6

leg raises - 3 x 7

situps weight overhead - 20, 1 x 15

russians - 10, 1 x 8

biceps - 61, 2 x 9

upped my weights on the deads...figured i would just give her hell...pulled out 8 reps...last rep my grip was getting iffy :) felt good to pull that much that amount of times....not a ton at all...but PR for me. my goal is to be at or over 200 in three weeks...

dropped weight on bi curls...might drop it again next week...just get more reps in. looking forward to sleeping tonite....3 cancelled flights later....finally done with the dog.

Pitysister 01-28-2008 03:30 PM


squat - 151 3 x 5

bench - 166 3 x 5

row - 106 3 x 5

dips - 40 2 x 8, 1 x 6

oh side bends - 25 2 x 7

situps weight overhead - 20 2 x 15

Pitysister 01-28-2008 03:33 PM


squat - 161 3 x 3

MP - 106 3 x 5

pullups - bw 2 x 10

leg raises - real slow - 2 x 5

bi's - 50 2 x 10

sinuses killed me this weekend...ate good on saturday...but sunday, i was drugged up and sleeping all day. been feeling dizzy all day long for the last two days...time for a doctor trip, yay. gay.

added ten pounds to squat for fun...would have nailed it with adding only five pounds...but...what the hell.

moved grip on pullups in to about shoulder width...really felt it in the lats. felt way good.

Pitysister 01-30-2008 04:49 PM


dead - 191 x 8 pr

light squat - 111, 2 x 5

bench - 171, 3 x 5

row - 111, 3 x 5

dips - 42.5, 2 x 8

ab work. it's cold out.

hrdgain81 01-31-2008 06:45 AM

Lookin good pity, the 5 and 10lb increases are your best friends. It feels so good to add a little something to the bar every workout, just makes you feel like your accomplishing something. Solid work bro, and I hope the sinus shit gets kicked real soon, I know how that shit is and its the worst.

Pitysister 01-31-2008 02:17 PM

thanks man...i definitely did not come close to my macros sunday with all the sleeping i did.. :)

iron_worker 01-31-2008 02:33 PM

You're getting better and better everyday. Keep it up. Your DL goal seems very reasonable. Good luck with that.


Pitysister 01-31-2008 02:41 PM

i could do the DL goal now...but....i'll take the slow progress :)

thanks man. how has your weather been?

Pitysister 02-01-2008 05:59 PM



squats - 156, 2 x 5 161, 1 x 4

MP - 106, 3 x 5

pullups - bw + 5, 2 x 9, 1 x 8

russians - 10, 2 x 7

leg raises - 2 x 7

bi curls - 51, 2 x 10

second set of squats was tough...i think i need to up my rest time in between i waited like 5 minutes then threw on five more pounds and it went up alot better. week....more rest.

mp was good.

monday, did pullups with just body weight, and moved my grip into about shoulder width...was doing it as wide as i could go. today, added five pounds..used same grip...felt real good on the lats. alot more than the wide grip that'll stick around.

gonna go to the doctor tomorrow...i think i got some inner ear shit going on...heads feels real full...and i'm dizzy and sometimes out of balance. pissing me off.

made some diet changes. fairly sure i picked up some lactose intolerance. everytime i drink milk i want to vomit...and i get hugely bloated...i have not had milk since saturday...i can see definition in my stomach again...and i don't feel so "soft." after workout meal has changed a little bit...not as many carbs...more veggies...and peanut butter. celery and peanut butter...childhood classic. mmmm.

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