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Pitysister 04-14-2008 05:50 PM

good luck man...what days do you weigh in?

Darkhorse 04-15-2008 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by TALO (Post 54236)

I am still feeling sore as fuck from Friday and Sundays workout. Day off tommorrow so hopefully my chest will be good to go for Wednesday.

Lol, welcome to my world!

TALO 04-16-2008 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by Pitysister (Post 54243)
good luck man...what days do you weigh in?

I'll weigh myself a few times a week. As long as I do it around the same time, (which would be early morning before food) then I know I'm on point.

TALO 04-16-2008 09:27 AM

As of Monday night I was starting too see trace amounts of Keto's . Today being Wednesday and my third full day with no carbs there is small amounts 15mg/dL so it's taking awhile. Tomorrow I think I should have about 4-8mg/dL and Friday 8-16mg/dL. Since I work Saturday and Sunday I don't think I will carb load until Monday.It is way easier to eat everything on time while at work (more scheduled)
I had to come into work this morning for 3am so that I can leave early. Family / friends are have a hard time right now and we are having a sit down. No training tonight, but it's worth a day off to get them help.

Darkhorse 04-16-2008 09:31 AM

I would weigh yourself the morning after your carbload every time. For myself, I only have a 36 hour refeed starting on Friday night through Saturday. So usually on Sunday morning I weigh myself after I wake up, then again Monday morning at the gym. If I weigh myself somewhere in the middle of the week depleted, I'd be way off.

TALO 04-18-2008 05:29 AM

Not going to carb load this weekend. I will wait until next Friday night and go until Sunday midmorning. Basically I have a wedding to and since I am working this weekend it will be easy.
My weight is 230lbs so I have been maintaining well with just over 3000 cals a day. The last few days have been very stressful and I haven't been able to get my target calories in. But after re-reading the book it said that weekly targets ( 15,000) are good to do, so as long as I step it up for the next few days - (which yesterday I had 3400) I should be ok.

I missed Wednesday's workout :arg: So I am a day behind, which will be done tonight.

MONSTAFACE 04-18-2008 05:35 AM

isnt that carb up faze a long time or is that just dependant on your weight?

TALO 04-18-2008 05:53 AM

"They" say anywhere from 18 - 48 hrs is a good carb up. I have been playing around with different times - well I have only done two so far. The first one was about 20hrs and the second one was 36. So I may get 40 next weekend.

I'm not sure if weight is what's controls it, or how the body responds to carbs.

MONSTAFACE 04-18-2008 05:57 AM

oh aight cool. i just wanted to know. thanks

TALO 04-19-2008 10:50 AM

Yesterday I managed to get off work early and go blow some stress off at the gym. Haven't been feeling the best for the past few days (week), but yesterday was the end of it. My best friend and his wife are going away for some help, so that makes us all very happy.:)

I did get to put up 325x3x3 bench even though I felt like shit, but I know it's not the diet more outside stress. My close grip went for the shit's. Also did skull crushers,lat raises, pull downs,and db curls.

My diet was 2928(calories) 167(fat) 22(carb) 313(prot)

Weight was 230lbs ( last night )

I am still loving this new way of eating (new for me) my energy levels have been very stable and my sleeps have been way better also. I'm only getting up once ( if that) in the middle of the night for a quick piss. Getting a full 8 hrs and deep....Dreams have been a bit crazy, but still fun :)

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