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Old 04-08-2008, 07:19 PM
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Default Next stop 100% RAW worlds

I'm now in my second week of the AD (keto) diet and feel great.The worst I have felt was after Sunday which was after my carb up Saturday.During the week my energy levels have gone up-well maybe not up , but they sure are more stable unlike being on carbs where it's more of a roller coaster ride with energy. I'm not a fan of stimulates so this is perfect.
My main goal is to drop my bodyfat down under 10% ( currently at 16-18% ) I'm not to concerned about the scale as I want and will stay strong in the gym so my weight may not drop to much.

I am currently taking in 3000 calories ( 1500 protein / 1500 fat ) with no more than 30 carbs per day. It is very hard to keep carbs to zero. My workouts are 4 days a week upper / lower split. My weight last week at the start was 235lbs. I did have some blood work done to check cholesterol along with other things ( kidneys, liver....etc) I have not received a call from my doctor yet, so I will call on my days off to find out my numbers.
Cheap and good bulk supplements from Canada Protein
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Old 04-08-2008, 08:26 PM
Darkhorse Darkhorse is offline
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Damn! 3,000 cals are really low, especially for a guy you're size. I'm at roughly 4,000 - 4,100 cals per day, and am dropping weight like it's going out of style lol. Now, this is the same total I used to break myself into the diet itself as well during the startup phase.

Now, you didn't go a full 12 days before the carbup day. In my case, that's what I did so I was able to hit that switch faster. You're going to need to stick with the higher calories (16-18 x bodyweight) for around three to four weeks before you're good to go. That's what I would do if I were you just to be on the safe side.

What's different for me is the incorperation of a few bulk fat burning compounds, low intensity cardio 5-6 days a week upon waking up, and increasing the fish oil.. Viola.

Trying to preserve muscle mass is of course the priority, so leave that to heavy lifting and still maintaining an abundance of calories (especially protein), and let green tea, forskolin, and cardio take the fat off.

What's been great for me is the 3 way DC split with higher ranged RP's. It only takes me around 30 minutes to complete 3 exercises. So that allows me to get into the gym a lot earlier w/ my BCAA cocktail and hit up 30 minutes of low intensity cardio BEFORE lifting. This is my first time ever doing it this way, and when I break a light sweat from the walking, I head downstairs and I'm already fully warmed up. I need less warmup sets, and my intensity is MUCH higher because of it.

Off days I'm looking at more like 45 minutes when I wake up. Zero HIIT for me.

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Old 04-08-2008, 08:30 PM
Darkhorse Darkhorse is offline
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Remember too that you're still allotted 30 grams of carbs per day. Most days I'm between 20-30 grams, not that I have to be. If I have everything figured out for the day, and have a lot leftover, then I usually add in some Miracle Whip mayo to my meals since that has some carbs in it, but also a good amount of fats and tastes delicious.
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Old 04-08-2008, 08:35 PM
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I'm going to follow this one closely. I've been reading 0311's journal religiously. I'll probably end up doing something similar after I see how you guys do. Good luck with it.

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Old 04-08-2008, 08:37 PM
Darkhorse Darkhorse is offline
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Lol, perhaps I should update it sometime.
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Old 04-08-2008, 08:44 PM
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I should have stated that I was taking in aprox 3500 +- the first week and I found that to work good for me(didn't lose or gain). Maybe I should keep it that high for the next while, but I'm going to drop it and monitor my weight and lifts.

I should have said what supps I'm taking in:

Salmon & fish oils - atleast 8g or more
Multi Vits / minerals
Vit C ( 1000mg extra )
Vit D (400iu)
Green Tea 1000mg
Zinc 25mg
Coleus Forskohlii 20%
BCAA's ( pills right now , waiting for powder )
Whey ( only if I need extra protein )

Also for cardio I'm trying to keep it to atleast 20 mins if not 40 mins( two sep sessions) at work and walks around town with the dog on off days.
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Old 04-08-2008, 08:47 PM
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Originally Posted by 0311 View Post
Damn! 3,000 cals are really low, especially for a guy you're size. I'm at roughly 4,000 - 4,100 cals per day, and am dropping weight like it's going out of style lol..
You also have almost 20lbs on me.
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Old 04-08-2008, 08:51 PM
Darkhorse Darkhorse is offline
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Well, you're a lot braver of a man than I then lol. To be honest, I think I touched on it earlier, but I've gone from a bad diet and horrible habits from the winter months to this structure without carbs, and that's what I think is the golden ticket for me. My bloatation is completely gone, my face thinned out fast, and I've dropped a belt size going on week 4. To put things in perspective, over the winter if I got hungry, I'd be lazy and drop some protein in my milk.. Then when I'm starving about an hour later, I'd heat up a pizza and scarf that down within 10 minutes lol.

So I'm not at all surprised with the fast results I've already had on this diet.

I should have said what I am taking in:

Salmon & fish oils - atleast 8g or more
Multi Vits / minerals
Vit C ( 1000mg extra )
Vit D (400iu)
Green Tea 1000mg
Zinc 25mg
Coleus Forskohlii 20%
BCAA's ( pills right now , waiting for powder )
Whey ( only if I need extra protein )
Looks great. What I'm quickly finding out on this diet is that with all the read meat and eggs, I'm only taking 1-2 scoops of whey PER DAY, and I'm still hovering between 375-400 grams protein! Five pounds will probably last me a month which rocks. Plus, on the weekends I don't use any because my protein requirements are met very quickly with my 60% carb intake. I feel terrific with only 15% protein during refeeds..
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Old 04-08-2008, 08:51 PM
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you guys are good. im 285 and i cant even come close to 4000 without felling super stuffed. i have been reading some posts on what you guys have been doing and im trying to put together some stuff that isnt to fatty. ill be paying attention to this journal as well as 0311's. i can get to 4000 calories but it would be eating stuff i shouldnt be eating.

You clearly don't know shit about fuck - KANE

You're not some sort of mystical creature that is immune to a training effect- KANE

I wish there was an entity that represented the term "injury" if it was, i would find it and beat the living shit out of it!!!!!

yes......i just type and press enter, i dont proofread i did enough of that in college. you know what i meant when i typed it anyway
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Old 04-08-2008, 08:53 PM
Darkhorse Darkhorse is offline
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Originally Posted by TALO View Post
You also have almost 20lbs on me.
Yeah, but the point I'm making is that at 235, the startup diet for you is roughly 4,100 cals per day.. Which is what I'm eating. I should be closer to 4,800 cals.. But the reason why I'm not starting so high is because I was already accustomed to eating high protein/high fats.

The problem that happends with keto dieting is a reduction in performance in the gym. The lower the cals, the worse it's gonna get. Now, if you feel like you can handle a decline in the gym at 3,000 cals, then that's fine. But from what I've seen, most people hit the panic button within the first month when they cannot beat last week's numbers, blame the concepts of the diet, and abandon ship!

I've accomidated for the decline by incorperating much higher rest pause ranges as well as dropping the volume more. This should allow me to continue my progressions so long as cals are still kept high.

If you're choosing more volume, then I'd still be keeping cals really high. Probably a lot higher than what I'm eating now. You will most likely be strong at the onset of the training, but sooner or later during your sets, you'll hit a decline.

Just keep that in mind, and adjust accordingly.
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