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HIThopper 08-08-2010 08:56 PM

Nice job ALOT!!


iron_worker 08-09-2010 06:10 AM

Holy shiza.

Very nice work man. A huge congrats from me.

...Maybe my workout partner should look into this RAW competition stuff. His lifts are similar to yours. Although, he is ~340lb so he may have to lose some more weight first.


TALO 08-09-2010 08:54 AM

Thanks guys.

Pitty - it's my lower back and it's just from the day and the stress on my back . Nothing huge.

Hop - no video , but my wife took lots of pictures so I'll post some up.

IW - I think 308 is the biggest class. I'm sure it would be in your parnters best interest to drop a few but he can still compete . Go check out the CPU I know they always have meets comeing up . Raw and geared.

I'm hoping to get a 1350 total at worlds . That 100lbs more but I did do my best at this show so it's possible.

TALO 08-09-2010 09:56 AM

Squatted for the first time today .

360x5 - fail

this was heavy. Hips are tight , took a while to warm up. I've got to treat every workout the same and I'm not doing that.

Wake up , eat , wait , train , eat ..... Repeat.

I'm too much in the habbit of not prepareing for the gym.

Morning weight 233

TALO 08-16-2010 06:35 PM

Squats - Aug 16th


good mornings

After last weeks session I opt out of the dead and press because I was still sore. Squats last week I couldn't make my numbers ( just stiff ) .

So today I started over with squats , but moved to week two. Coming off night shift I worked out before going to bed and it felt great. Fucking strong today ! Hit 380 for 5 when last week 360 for 3 was hard ???

I've been eating and sleeping well. Tomorrow is bench so I will see if I'm recovered .

My lower back still feels like it's compressed. Hurts most days , but I just work through it with some robaxol ( this could be a stable on meet day )

Made a sled the other day out of an old tire , 80lb plate some rope and a eye bold. Dragged that fucking thing today and it was HELL .

Pitysister 08-16-2010 07:03 PM

congrats on the sled....shit is fun :)

Ross86 08-17-2010 05:22 PM

Good's great to see that you prepared and executed well at the meet. You should put up some stellar numbers at worlds. Are you thinking about cutting to 220 for that meet?

TALO 08-18-2010 09:07 PM

Most def cutting to 220.

I hold 235 on a regular so it will be easy enough.

You should be doing the worlds , Ross.

TALO 08-18-2010 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by Pitysister (Post 87354)
congrats on the sled....shit is fun :)

Fuck yeah. Waited to long for this.

Ran it a few more last night at work and if it doesn't rain tonight i will again.

TALO 10-09-2010 08:22 PM

Ended up 1st in my age group and 3rd for my weight class ( missed 2nd by 3lbs)

I did make weight at 220.2 and this was starting at 238 the day before. This sucked ass ! But managed to put it back on for lift time.

Ended with 1325 total.
Squatted - 462
Benched - 335.5
Deadlifted - 528

I felt stronger than I've ever been so it was a perfect refeed to get my strength back. I should have gone heavier on the squat and bench , but that's looking back .

Missed my last deadlift attempt at 543. By this time I was beat up bad . Only missed the one lift and I still had meet PR's in everything. So all in all it was a great meet.

Now it's time for some serious rehad. My lower back is fucked and sometime soon I will be getting surgery on my left knee . I wont be training hard until I'm 100% .

Hopefully I will be ready to compete by July and if not then next October for the worlds again.

New goal is a 1400lbs raw total.

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