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Ross86 10-25-2007 04:35 AM

Thanks guys...that's much appreciated.

I guess I have a pretty good base because of lifting in the past...although I never got very strong. I just got a meal plan & workout plan together a couple of months ago and it has obviously made a huge difference. Also, last year I didn't do any barbell lifts really...everything was dumbells.

My body has kind of started to transform the past few weeks. It's awesome...I've actually gotten a few comments about it lately. I can really tell a difference in the development of several specific areas.

I've been enjoying your journals too. Keep it up! :weights:

Ross86 10-27-2007 11:32 AM

Flat Bench Press - WU, 5X5 180
Squats - WU, 5X5 245, 255, 260, 260, 265
JS Rows - 5X5 135

Short workout...didn't have much time. 3X3 starts next week and will go for two weeks. Then a cutting phase, I think.

Ross86 10-30-2007 03:30 PM

Bench Press - 3X3 185, 190, 195
Squats - 3X3 275
T-bar rows - 3X3 a lot of weight for me (in reality, not a lot)

Body weight - 168

Kind of ****ed up this workout. I had no idea what I could lift as far as bench goes... I went up to 195. :) Still haven't benched over 200 though... I will try week after next. I have a feeling I might be able to get 205. Hopefully more. I'm definitely looking forward to Thursday. And the following week. And the week after. Peaking is fun! :weights:

Ross86 11-01-2007 11:49 AM

Got hammered last night. Will not lift until not hung over. Maybe Monday.

iron_worker 11-01-2007 05:01 PM

^^^^ I know how that is... lol

Ross86 11-05-2007 05:15 PM

Didn't die from the hang over. I'm not going to drink for two more months...just long enough for me to forget how badly it sucks. Just like what happened on Halloween. :lame:

Flat Bench Press - WU, 5X5 185
Squats - WU, 4X5 255, 1X5 275
T-Bar Rows - 5X5 even more than last time
Nose breakers - 1X10 65, 2X10 75
Flys - 3X10 25

Good workout...the week off helped. Squats at 255 seemed light...I wasn't doing them in front of a mirror. Form was better and I went lower. Lots of cute girls in the gym. What a distraction. At least it keeps me motivated and gives me something to think about.

Ross86 11-07-2007 06:15 PM

Shoulder Press - WU, 5X5 135
Deadlifts - WU, 4X5 300
Lat Pulls - 5X5 165, 180, 165, 150, 150

Deadlifts were heavy...PR. That's the most weight I've ever done period...and it was for my 5X5. The fourth set nearly killed me. The belt puts a lot more strain on my lower abdomen, which means that I'm more apt to get the H word...I felt super slight tear, so I took about 4 minutes before my last set....and I went to lift, and couldn't even move it off the floor. I think I just tightened up a LOT during my little break there. One of the guys that I see in the gym a lot stopped me and told me that my form sucked on lat pulls...which it did. And I knew it did, but I guess I needed to hear it. He said, "Do you want big lats? If you do, then take some weight off and use good fucking form." It was the first time I've ever talked to him and that's all he said to me. I'm glad he did though...I got a little too concerned with increasing weights. Seems like a nice guy.

Cut today's workout short...deadlifts killed me, I didn't have much energy, and couldn't get motivated.

HIThopper 11-07-2007 08:25 PM


"Do you want big lats? If you do, then take some weight off and use good fucking form."

Seems like a nice guy.
Only in the gym would this guy be considered nice!!LOL

He is right tho form is especially important on back movements IMO.

Ross86 11-09-2007 04:57 PM

Bench - 2X3 190, 2X3 185
Squats - 3X5 255, 265, 275, 1X3 285, 1X1 300
T-bar rows - 5X5 90, 100, 110, 110, 100
Tricep Ext - 3X8 80
Ab stuff 3X20
Russian twists
Side bends
Leg raises
Decline crunches

I was still totally obliterated from deads on Wednesday. Neck, traps, all of my back, hams, quads, hair, and teeth were all still sore today. Bench sucked because of my sore back & squats sucked because of my sore everything. It's all just muscle soreness. Oh well, there is always next week. I'm tired of not finishing my sets. It will be better Monday. I have kind of crapped out on bench, so I'm going to switch to 5X3 for a week, then split my sets into 2X5 & 3X3 the following week...and then do 5X5 the week after that all at 190. Does this make any sense?

iron_worker 11-10-2007 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Ross86 (Post 44197)
I have kind of crapped out on bench, so I'm going to switch to 5X3 for a week, then split my sets into 2X5 & 3X3 the following week...and then do 5X5 the week after that all at 190. Does this make any sense?

No it really dooesn't... ha. You might have to explain that one to me slower.

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