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_Wolf_ 09-17-2006 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by 0311
Statics and pulses really are only 5% of the program. They're not that important. It's just a tool to overload your muscles completely. So if you're totally dead after a hard RP, it's optional.

The only things that matter are the RP's with 10-12 breaths, ending with a true 8 second negative, controlling your reps, and of course the stretching.

very very well said....sums it all up excellently..


Joker13 09-17-2006 07:08 PM

Again, Thanx for the help guys.

Joker13 09-18-2006 07:52 PM


hammer mach
10+10+7 x 125 r.p.

reverse grip hammer mach
1 x 12 x 65 s.s.

horizantal calf mach-:gay:
1 x 12 x 210

leg curls
11+9+10 x 95 r.p.

leg press
1 x 8 x 630
1 x 20 x 360???

Well had a fucked day at work, went in at 3am was going good, looking like I would get to the gym early then at 11am in San bernadino, the tranny went out in my semi. 4 1/2 hours later finally got rolling, didnt get home till 6:30 showered and headed for the gym
so workout was ok. quads were a blur I don't think I added right to come up w/ 360lbs oh well.:weights:

Joker13 09-20-2006 05:56 PM

Wed--Off day

30 min on recumbent bike

Since starting this new program no more joint problems.
Also need to adjust diet alittle, was burning more cal on 5day split,
really likeing this new routein.

Joker13 09-21-2006 05:02 PM


decline b.p.
9+5+3 r.p 275(+20lbs)

b.b. press
1 x 17 x 145 s.s. (+10lb)

skull crushers
12+9+6 r.p (+1 rep)

Back Width
rack pull ups
25 (+1 rep)

Back Thickness
t-bar rows
1 x 14 x 180
1 x 15 x 180 (+10lb)

for pull ups I'm thinking of doing them r.p cause I don't get 25 in a row. Also for b.b. press thinking to keep wieght same and try to increase reps next time. As always open for constructive critisim (just not on my spelling):weights: :biglaugh:

Joker13 09-23-2006 10:45 AM


b.b. drag curls
15+9+9 x 80 r.p (+10lbs+3reps)

hammer curls
1 x 16 x 40 s.s. (+10lbs)

seated calf mach
1 x 12 x 180 (same)

lying leg curls
1 x 25 x 95 s.s. Dam messed these up for some reason i did a s.s. instead of r.p.

Hack squat mach (I think)
1 x 8 x 430 (+160lbs)
1 x 20 x 270 (+90lbs):puke:

O.k had a great work out in and out in about 50 min. I know I should lose the seated calf but its to early in my routine So last week I set up my baseline alot of new exercise's and machines. I felt good about doing quads today, I should have used more wieght on the 2nd set. But by rep 7-8 I'm huffen and wondering how the fuck I'm gonna finish them..these kick ass:biglaugh:

Joker13 09-24-2006 07:40 AM

Sun- Off day

Cardio--almost, legs sore from yesterday.Instead made one of the best breakfast I have ever made(o.k. maybe I was just really hungry)

Got out leftover carne asada I grilled yesterday, heated it in a pan threw in 10eggs= 8 whites, 2 whole. a little pepper, while that was cooking heated up some 98% fat free refried beans. threw it all on the plate added a little salsa and yummm. Alot more fun than cardio and took less time too.:bannana1: :banana: :party-smiley:

Darkhorse 09-24-2006 05:55 PM


by rep 7-8 I'm huffen and wondering how the fuck I'm gonna finish them
That's how you know you're doing them right. I remember Oly squats started getting rediculous by the 12th rep.

A good tip that helped me through it was to take in three deep breaths between every rep after 15. It really helps a lot. The fourth breath you take in and hold.

Joker13 09-25-2006 07:26 PM


Flat B.P
12+6+4 x 245 R.P (+20lbs)

D.B press
15+10+8 x 70 r.p. (+8reps)

C.G Bench Press
17+12+6 x 185 r.p. (+6reps)

Back width
Behind head rack pull ups
10+8+6 R.p (no previous)

Back Thickness
OTR Dead lifts
1 x 8 x 410 (+50lbs)
1 x 6 x 455 (+45lbs)

Good work out considering I had another fucked 14hr day at work, and on top of it I was heavy to. I had to deliver 16 stops and had 15,700 lbs to unload, and yes I have to touch it all and wheel it in..Dam my job sucks. Also to note I'm on my 3rd week of pct and started d.c. on my first day of it, I have according to my wife held on to my size and actually look bigger.:jester:

Darkhorse 09-26-2006 04:38 PM


Back Thickness
OTR Dead lifts
What's OTR? On the rack?

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