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iron_worker 08-11-2008 02:50 PM

He can clean and jerk what I can deadlift and he weighs 50lbs less then me. I'm depressed now. Wah.


UmmmPain 08-11-2008 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by iron_worker (Post 63549)
He can clean and jerk what I can deadlift and he weighs 50lbs less then me. I'm depressed now. Wah.


TELL ME ABOUT IT!!! lol not only he cleans and jerks but he cleans and jerks over 3 times his BW :wtf:

Andrew.cook 08-12-2008 08:50 AM

Awww, c'mon guys, you too could be an Olympic lifting superstar if you were identified as gifted at a very young age and then forced to eat, breathe, and sleep two lifts in a communist society where you had no choice but to comply...

Seriously though, lots of people want this level of success, but it is a single minded pursuit that overrides EVERYTHING else in life. You may think it rocks, but you don't really want the sacrifice that comes with it. Or maybe you do... I am not one to judge. :)

hrdgain81 08-12-2008 10:44 AM


but I imagine slogging waist deep through cow manure while carrying a midget wearing spurs would be hard too. Difficulty alone is not impressive.
Andrew, this had me laughing out loud in the office, so funny, cause its true.

I've been hooked on the games thus far, doesnt matter what sport, m/w gymnastics, swimming, softball, basketball, I just turn on NBCHD and watch till I have to go to sleep. Shit is addictive, especially with things like the 4x100 relay, fuckin french, should have kept thier mouths shut, maybe they would have met a less fired up US team ...

Andrew.cook 08-12-2008 11:48 AM

Oh, I love the games too. I have issues with the "women's only" sports, like field hockey and softball. Seriously, make it a sport that everyone plays or ditch it. I would love to see a men's softball team. All these guys with beer guts dragging coolers of Pabst Blue Ribbon out onto the field... that will show the world how America rolls!

Field hockey... still, retarded.

I am impressed by gymnastics and swimming because I am so incapable of doing the things I see them do. I mean, I can sprint and run and all that. I have a point of reference to those sports, but I sink in an uncontrolled manner and I can't even cartwheel in a manner that would make people think that I wandered off of the short bus... so yeah, I watch those two in awe.

Pitysister 08-12-2008 01:25 PM

don't forget chevy blue old milwaukee :)

UmmmPain 08-12-2008 04:46 PM

GREAT WHITE!!! best damn beer money can buy...

UmmmPain 08-13-2008 11:39 PM

Did some reading after the lost last night, as an American I can't believe what the media are saying... "Cheating China!" come on that's not how we are as Americans. They didn't "cheat" maybe didn't fallow rules with the age limit, yeah they look real young. We lost fair and square, we are just humans and we do make mistakes. Even if they are underage we got our asses kicked by little young'ns. We placed second because we made a few mistakes well actually few HUGE ones. I just can't believe how young these athletes are now and days and doing big things representing our country. Just wait till we get to the track and field we'll own it! lol Lets go USA!!!

oh yeah just saw some field hockey that just doesn't make any sense your right Andrew

Pitysister 08-14-2008 03:55 AM

we did lose.....but those chinese girls still look like they are six.

MONSTAFACE 08-14-2008 05:24 AM

yeah i feel bad for the gymnast who messed up twice. if she feels that bad about it though she can cry on my shoulder and i will console her to the best of my ability :)

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