Originally Posted by mcl
Sorry Ironworker should have been more specific. On the video he talks about the elbows dropping below the bench when doing the exercise. He says not to. I'll try to go a little wider. I've only done it this way twice. My back is a little sore from arching though. Thanks for the advice.
Do you notice the arch that Dave uses ? This will play a big roll in how far down you bring the bar.
It took me a long time to get a good arch and even still I have the same issues as Hopper ( lower back pain ) , but foam rolling and stretching has helped that issue go away also the more you do it the better you get at it.
Keep your ass and your traps on the bench also I know if your head comes off in the Raw fed it will be a no lift , but in GPC / WPC the head can come off the bench.