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Kane 11-09-2008 11:51 AM

Nice pressing Hops. That cat vid would've been funny as hell :biglaugh: but I probably would've pissed myself if that happened to me in the middle of a rep.

HIThopper 11-09-2008 04:59 PM

Thx Kane I did jump a mile thats for sure!!

HIThopper 11-10-2008 01:53 AM

ME Squat Day

Kicked ass today,I pulled sumo for ME,hit a PR of 167.5kg on the bar.I used my new bar and it weighs 9kg so that put me at 389lbs,soooo close to 400 now I can taste it LOL.Did 5 sets og barrollouts (wod) kneeling and then 3 sets of split squats (I think I forget the name!!)

ME Squat Day 10/11/08
Sumo Deadlift 1x1 135kg 145kg 155kg 167.5kg 1xM 170kg
Abs Rollouts (WOD Kneeling) 5x8 BW
Split Squats 3x10 10kg Dumbell each Hand

HIThopper 11-10-2008 01:57 AM

Todays Pulls

I think I had the bar setup wrong on the last PR rep,I kinda got a bit crooked with it and lost the groove a bit.

HIThopper 11-10-2008 02:04 AM

Guys,these are my split squats,I get a great feel thru the glutes and hams on my right leg but with my left I got nothing goin on,I have little control and I cant seem to get my glutes to fire and take control of the movement (if that makes sense!)

Can yall see anything in my form that might be the cause or is it mobility/stability related?


EDIT** The 1st set is my right leg then the left !

Pitysister 11-10-2008 07:48 AM

im thinking a better music selection would help your glutes fire.


do you do any glute activation before you work out? like supine bridges and single leg supine bridges? and band side steps?

Ross86 11-10-2008 09:52 AM

If you can, try to load your hams at the top of the lunge the same as you would a squat (butt out, big air, stomach out, etc.) That might help. I'm not really sure. I would try it, but I'm kind of MIA. :D

You have 170 in the bag. Did you attempt it again? When I pull sumo, if I can get it to budge a millimeter, then I can pull it. You got it moving okay....I bet you could pull it.

HIThopper 11-10-2008 10:19 AM


im thinking a better music selection would help your glutes fire.
Dammit he got me,just wait till your next vid pity!!

BTW I didnt do any of those activation drills!! I completley forgot to do those bandwalks.I did do some work with the tennis ball.

Thyx for the tips Ross,I'll give it a try. I didnt try 170kg again,I thought no use getting missed twice and I already scored a PR,I'll save it for next time I sumo it.

Thx Boys.

Pitysister 11-10-2008 11:52 AM

i think there are videos of the bridges in the stretching thread....make sure its your ass lifting you off the ground and not your hamstrings :)

to give you an idea of my mobility on lower body days...and i think there are videos of all these:

yoga twist
bent knee twist
side twist
bird dogs
calf stretch
fire hydrants
both bridges
both leg swings
both scorpions
high knee walks
butt kicks
cradle walks
band walks 10-15 per side...never letting tension off the band
toy soldier
lateral lunges
overhead reverse crossover lunges
and lots of hip flexor stretching :)

and that ankle mobility shit :)

EricT 11-10-2008 11:55 AM

There is so much activity in these journals! This has definitely become a journal board. I looked and looked and coudn't find your other sumo vid, Hits, before this one. If you could repost that or link your youtube page that would help. I think your sumos have, well, let me see the old vid first :biglaugh:

Besides the activation drills you could also try split squat isometric holds. Start out with the side your having trouble with. The holds are exactly what they sound like. You hold at the bottom position and while you're doing that you can concentrate on engaging the glutes and hams. BTW, you need to have a certain amount of muscular tension to really help you engage and get power out of the big movers. If you're dong the split squats in a way that your flexiblility just allows you to drop down into it very relaxed that is not going to work so well. Remember if you want more hams and glutes you want to widen the stance width. And push more off the heel.

I see nothing wrong with your form on those.

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