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EricT 03-15-2008 10:53 AM


Great point E, I've "Mcguyvered" way to do some back extensions,I cant get all the way down cos my face hits the floor,but I can do some static holds and things like that.I'll be hitting abs twice per week now too,instead of once.I'll keep GMs I really liked em and I'll work on your suggestions,I tried some pull thrus too and loved them aswell.Any other exercises that you really think I should do? I may have to rotate them thru different days, not sure how to program them in yet, but I'll get there.Cheers mate.
I figured that would be the only real face hitting the floor. Perhaps you can get the bench or platform up higher somehow. And if you can get a hold of a few big cushions (firm) that can get you up higher. But no matter, just do what you have to do and the statics will help a lot.

On the "core" stuff you just need to realize the difference between core strenth and core stabibility. Think of it in terms of specificity. When you put in traditional "ab work" you are working on an aspect of core strength. Likewise with GM's. to some extent although there of course is a stabibility aspect at play there.

Just think about what your core is doing during squats and deads. It is keeping you still. Stablle. It is not moving you back and forth. So squats and deads is core work. So when I mention stabiblity work I am not talking about ab work. I am talking about work where you are having to keep your torso stable. Pity already mentioned and linked you to planks. That is a good way to start.

And example from me is I tested myself on planks again recently and I had no problem with front planks but I did pretty poorly on side planks for time. DESPITE the fact that I was doing all this side to side flexion work and torsion work. I mean lots of it. And heavy. But that did not train the endurance and the isometric contractions of stabibility and the difference was easily demonstrated.

Some other examples are front plate squats. Bridges (static). Heavy bar rollouts (you use a loaded bar like an "ab roller")...

Look around the journals, Sentinel, Pity, maybe some others are doing this type of thing. Basically try to pick one ab exericise and one stabiblility thing for each day you do this. Put in some torsion stuff as well....russian twists or cable woodchops. This in addition to extensions and static extensions (which is a separate thing).

Plenty of people will tell you oh, you don't need all that. All you need is squats and deads for core. Well, ask them to demonstrate this by just supporting their own bodyweight in a plank of 2 minutes and watch them SUCK at it. Then ask yourself if they are really as "stable" as they think with a heavy as barbell if they can't even stabilize their own body.

HIThopper 03-17-2008 02:26 AM

More great points Eric,Im really liking the static extensions,Basically the only thing holding me up is my toes just under the bar so ALL of the tension is on my glutes hams and lower back, its very difficult but I'll keep working on it.Cheers for all your help once again, I dont know where you find the time!!:biglaugh:

HIThopper 03-17-2008 02:41 AM

Stress Day

HARD!! Squats are getting fucking heavy.I havent done anything over 2 reps with these weights now so all up Im pretty happy even tho I missed reps,oh well.Bench form was great, I missed the last rep of 3x8,my tri weakness is really showing up tho, weights are flying off the chest to about 1/2 to 3/4 way up and sticking.Im going to be doing 2 sets of Tri exercises after volume bench and see how things go,Ill also target the tris on fridays somehow too.Today I did paused cambered bar close grips for 2x5,these REALLY nail my tris I love them.Chins were hard, I have added bodyweight so 11kgs on the waist is more like what 13 or 14 kgs used to be like LOL.Static back extensions for stability work to finish and it was time to eat.

Stress Day
Squat 1x5,4,3,3 107.5kg
Bench 2x8 1x7 73.5kg
Paused CG 2x5 60kg easy
Chin 3x5,4 BW+11kg
Ext statics BW 20secs,25 secs and 20secs

So I'm going away for the easter break on thursday so I'll take 2 days off ,train thurs and then resume my normal scedule on monday.

_Wolf_ 03-17-2008 06:25 AM

oh you did statics too, eh??? :biglaugh: nice nice....its cool you like good mornings...i hate them lol...i like pull throughs instead. nice workout, sir!

HIThopper 03-17-2008 09:57 PM

Thanks Sentinal, I like pull thrus too,I'll probably rotate them in there for some higher reps sets, they really get the hips firing.

marv 03-18-2008 02:44 AM

Im loving the pull throughs too m8.

EricT 03-18-2008 11:28 AM

Hits, you should do regular extensions for reps/ a couple sets. Rest. And then do the statics.

HIThopper 03-20-2008 02:09 AM


Hits, you should do regular extensions for reps/ a couple sets. Rest. And then do the statics.
Ok mate will do. :)

HIThopper 03-20-2008 02:28 AM

Sort of Performance Day!

Shitty day tho, I just missed the last rep of squats,FUCK only just,man I wanted that last rep but no go.I then moved onto press, I was feeling like complete shit tho,I did 1 set at my work weight got 4 slow reps when I should've smoked 6 no worries and called it a day.Fuck it, I just did some light pull thrus and then a bit of tri work.GAY.

Perofrmance Day 20/3/08
Squats 2x5,1x4,1x1 107.5kg
Press 1x4 42.5kg
Pullthrus 3x10 40kg
Tri press down 1x20 40kg

So I've been thinking alot about a slight change in routine for a while.I am thinking it would be good to split up a bit.Volume day is soooo hard now and I am sure volume benching after squatting for high volume is not a great idea now I may go with a 4 day upper lower split.Not sure yet.I'll post an idea of a routine in a while.Main goal of course is still strength.Cheers.

marv 03-20-2008 03:38 AM

I thought about doing that also at one stage. Volume day can be tough. Im considering changing to dynamic and max effort days when I go back to squating heavy. Anyways just remember getting PR's is easy. Getting through those tough sessions is the real challenge. Soldier on m8.


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