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HIThopper 08-27-2008 01:42 PM

ME Bench Day

Tested flat bench today and was kinda disappointed, I hit a 5 lb PR but kinda expected more as I haven’t maxed in a while. I tried to hit 107.5kg on the bar but missed it twice, the 1st try I had it about an inch or two from lockout!! GRRRR so close,2nd time stapled me nicely!! oh well. Moved to some heavier tricep rollbacks next and finished with chest supported rows. These really hit my upper back nicely.

ME Bench Day 27/8/08
Bench 1x1 105kg (PR) 2xmiss 107.5kg
Tri RollBacks 3x8 15kg
Chest Supp Rows 3x10 40kg

I still got some issues with bench when shit gets heavy I tend to push back towards my head a bit, I think that means weak lats and triceps right?

marv 08-28-2008 01:26 AM

Its still a PR Hopps well done. I miss that feeling. I have just been doing some light stuff on and off. I bought the cressey book and dvd. I do the drills from magnificent mobility on the regular.

Darkhorse 08-28-2008 01:37 AM


I tried to hit 107.5kg on the bar but missed it twice, the 1st try I had it about an inch or two from lockout!! GRRRR so close,2nd time stapled me nicely!!
That's from neglecting your triceps bud. If your supplementals go up, your bench goes up. As you're progressing along, you should be increasing the volume more on ME days for triceps, and increasing intensity for triceps on DE days. That's a good guage that I prefer. Simmons recommends 60 or so reps w/ DB's, and 40 w/ a barbell. Over time, as your GPP increases, you should be able to easily fit in that triceps volume as I do. I've worked my rest down to 1 minute for DB's, and 90 seconds for barbell work.


Max Effort days I follow max effort with 4-6 x 8-12 reps with the DB's. Either rolling or elbows out, on the floor, with a band, ect. Tons of variations to choose from.

Dynamic days I do my hard and heavy triceps work. Could be a closegrip bench or 4 board presses pyramided to a top set of 5, ect. Another thing I love doing is supersetting a heavy compound with a tricep pressdown just to increase the degree of difficulty while increasing muscle mass. Again, that could mean doing heavy barbell extensions (chest, throat, chin) for 5-6 reps at a time (or doing JM presses) ss w/ tricep pressdowns for 10-12 reps (static). Keep alternating back and forth ONLY as long as you keep progressing in weight for the compound. So if I barely get my 5-6 reps JM pressing after doing 4 supersets, I know that's my final set (after the pressdowns).

So I think that IF you start working your triceps harder, you'll definately hit that new PR because lockout wouldn't be a problem.

HIThopper 08-28-2008 10:33 PM

Thx Horse good stuff to Know you can bet I'll be hitting triceps ALOT harder from now on.

HIThopper 08-30-2008 08:07 PM

DE Squat Day

Speed was pretty good off the box today, I did my last 3 sets free squatting to test form and speed.Just did some extensions to finish and a bunch of ab work.Pretty tired.

DE Squat Day 29/8/08
Box Squat @ 55% 10x2 75kg
Extensions 4 sets
Abs 4-5 sets

HIThopper 08-30-2008 08:18 PM

DE Bench Day

Shoulder was a bit sore today , I think I tweaked it benching on Wed.Still bar speed was good and my shoulder held up.Did my 8 sets and went to cg bench with ez curl bar.This is awesome for the tris cos I get my grip in waaaay closer with no wrist pain and it hammers the tris, I did some tri pressdowns after and then some random chinning an pullups, I was weak as piss on the back stuff.

DE Bench Day 30/8/08
Bench @ 60% 8x3 60kg
CG EZ Bench Press 3x5 60kg
Tri Pressdown 3x12
Chins Pullups etc ????? :lame:

HIThopper 09-01-2008 04:06 AM

ME Squat Day

Decided to test my Fee squat,Had a pretty great day today, hit a couple nice PRs on squats, got some vids I'll up when I can.Hit up GMs next and form was pretty good, I do much better with more reps on GMs.Finished off with abs.Pretty happy with today, 146 was nice n deep, got a bit hrd up the top end of the rep but I got it.

ME Squat Day 1/9/08
Squat 1x1 135kg, 145kg (PR) ,146kg (PR)
GMs 4x6 75kg
Abs 4x12,12,12,7

Pitysister 09-01-2008 07:05 AM

nice work hops.

iron_worker 09-01-2008 10:51 AM

Wow, you're starting to move some very nice numbers. Keep it up.


HIThopper 09-01-2008 12:25 PM

Thanks fellas! :)

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