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iron_worker 10-14-2009 08:22 PM

Wednesday Oct 14th/2009

bar x 10
115lb x 5
135lb x 5
155lb x 2
180lb 5x5

bw x 10
bar 2x5
135lb x 5
155lb x 3
175lb x 1
195lb x 1
210lb 5x5

Standing Rows
140lb 5x5


Squats are harder then they should be. I guess I havent' back squatted for too long.


Ross86 10-15-2009 02:50 AM

No worries. Hooray muscle memory. :)

iron_worker 10-16-2009 07:13 PM

Friday Oct 16th/2009

Seated DB Shoulder Press
20lb x 8
32.5lb x 5
42.5lb 4x5 1x12

Too light.

bw squats 2x5
bar 2x5
60kg x 5
80kg x 3
100kg x 2
120kg 5x5

bw 5x3, 2x3

Needs work!

Standing EZ Bar Curls
70lb x 8,10,10


Friday night workouts... Rushed!


iron_worker 10-19-2009 08:58 AM

So... i was running some numbers on my diet today. I found out I'm probably not too far off for cals but my macro break down sucks pretty bad. Need way more lean protein. Shooting for a 40-30-30 (P-C-F) breakdown... is that reasonable?

Does 2700cals NTD and 3000cals for TD sound about right for a 190lb guy/ ~16% bf guy who is lifting weights 3x a week.

I was trying to break it down and I thought 3 main meals at 600cals and 3 "snacks" at 400cals would be good. I'm guessing its optimal to just divide it evenly across the day over as many meals as possible but it shouldn't hurt me too badly to do it this way, I'm thinkin.

Am I on the right track here if my goals are to continue building strength while leaning out towards february?

I look forward to your input.


Kane 10-19-2009 09:45 AM

I would give you advice but diet is not my strong suit.

IME as long as protein is high I can continue with strength gains, carbs and fat don't impact me too much. Take that for what it's worth.

iron_worker 10-19-2009 11:19 AM

Well protein is definately the critical one/ what i need to work on. I think maybe if I got the required protein for the breakdown I wanted and made sure my fat intake wasn't too high it would mostly fall into place.

iron_worker 10-19-2009 11:23 AM

Oh ya, I was going to ask about supps as well. I'm not huge on them. I have some protein powder obviously and I have been taking gainer after my workouts or if I'm really needing some cals quick. I have a multivit which I guess I should start taking again.

Any others that are strongly reccomended and actually make a difference?

Thanks guys.


Kane 10-19-2009 12:35 PM

Glutamine works wonders for me.

iron_worker 10-19-2009 12:39 PM

I have heard very mixed reviews on glutamine. I have some but never use it.

I've heard it blocks protein absorption? I've also heard its just totally bunk.

I'm interested to hear what you have to say about it though.


Kane 10-19-2009 01:00 PM

That is bull. And so is the recovery aspect from what I have read in my research.

The reason I use it is for overall stomach health. I can eat less and gain weight if I'm taking glutamine because my digestion is that much better. Overall I notice a difference.

Type "Glutamine and stomach health" into google and you should see a ton of info about what I'm talking about.

Its not as expensive as everyone makes it out to be either. I buy glutamine from the grocery store or from the drug store when it is on sale. One small container is 300g (60 servings) and it lasts me about 3 months since I usually only take it on training days, sometimes on the weekend too. I pay 18 bucks when it is on sale. Do the math and that is 30 cents per serving. If I skip out on buying one coffee I've made up for the cost of the glutamine that week, lol.

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