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MONSTAFACE 07-30-2008 05:33 AM

well at leats you doing something. keep at it and you will be aight

TALO 08-11-2008 05:41 AM

After a long two weeks off from weights due to work and family life I came back this morning to train before work and it felt good. Lost some strength , but not much and it will come back fast.

4:30am - up and out of the house after a few morning stretches. Started off with benching 3x3 at 295lbs , then on to incline 3x10 with 135 (light , but good stretching).

Did some hammer curls and low cable reverse curls and some floor pull ups inbetween everything - I ended up doing 6x10....

All in all - the two weeks were very good to me , got to enjoy life again without worring about recording and weighing food :)

TALO 08-15-2008 04:16 PM

Aug 12 - cardio ( 45 min walk )

Aug 13 - Lat Pulldowns , cable Rows , BB curls , Reverse Low Cable Culs , Wrist Curls

Aug 14th - Drywalling basement :)

Aug 15th - Squats , Leg Presses , Rack Presses - this was the first time I tried this and I got 495 x 3 , I think I will add this to my program for a weekly thing. Also did calf and abs.

Just got a bottle of Cissus today - have taken 2000mg ,but I'm not sure how much I should be taking.I'm hoping this will help my shoulders and elbows.

Also picked up some NanoVapor (by MuscleTech) It was cheap enough for me to try it out. I will write a review on this after my next workout.

Pitysister 08-15-2008 04:41 PM

hopefully you didn't have to drywall alone :)

TALO 08-15-2008 04:46 PM

OH YES I DID. It's so hot here that I may have lost 10lbs yesturday. But I had a nice cold 4L jug of Xtend to help me thru.

Pitysister 08-15-2008 06:35 PM

dude, that sucks. u got 4 arms? :) holding it and screwing it at the same time...sounds shitty.....yet....kinky ;) especially the taking it down the stairs by yourself :)

TALO 08-17-2008 04:02 PM

^ Just have to look at the positive....Good workout!!

Aug 17th

Bench 3x3 @ 315
DB press 3x8 @90
Shoulder DB Press 3x10 @ 60
Tricep KickBacks 3x10 @ 25

Nice workout , used Nanovapour and it kicked in at the perfect time (more of a mental kick). Just after my warmups right when I was starting the 315 - Blasted thru no problem.

TALO 08-18-2008 05:00 PM

Aug 18th

Took two scoops of Nanovapor and didn't notice a difference from yesturdays one scoop - except the diarrhea !!

Lat Pulldowns 3x8 @180
Cable Rows 3x8 @140
Barbell Curls 3x8 @90
Reverse Curls on low cable 3x8 @70
Writst Curls 3x10 45lbs DB

extras : high cable trap/lat pulls (don't know what they are called)

Pitysister 08-18-2008 05:35 PM


Pitysister 08-18-2008 05:36 PM

was it good diarrhea...or bad diarrhea?

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