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widdoes2504 01-24-2010 01:52 PM

I had surgery in late Aug 2008. Relearning to walk/run/squat has been interesting. I can do pretty much anything I want to but have to be very meticulous about the form. The weight is not where I want it to be but lets be honest is it ever :) The doc could not repair all of the damage, arthritis has set in, but I am alright and still training hard.

How are you guys doing? Pics may be coming.......eventually :biglaugh:

Pitysister 01-24-2010 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by HIThopper (Post 84633)
Put some vids up girlfriend I miss your sexy mannipples!

i <3 u.

you need to at least get a journal up widds :)

HIThopper 01-24-2010 04:38 PM

Agreed Wids must start a journal, the sooner the better!

Pitysister 01-25-2010 04:47 PM


fat grip incline: 120 x 8, 7...125 x 7 (301 tempo)
pistols: +15, 3 x 6

pull/chinups: pull +20 x 8...pull +15 x 6 and chin +15 x 2....pull +5 x 5
slideboard leg curls: + mini band, 3 x 6

high rep pull/chinups suck. glad i'm done for now. :)

got a couple videos for hopper :)



Pitysister 01-27-2010 11:11 AM


db snatches: 25, 2 x 3

db bench: 55, 2 x 8
inverted rows, neutral grip: 3 x 11

rack pulls: 230 x 5
oh squats: 45, 2 x 5
prone trap raises and external rotations: 2.5's, 3 x 10

have not done any bilateral pulling since early form wasn't the best i don't think...and i felt it :) so gave 'er a break...thinking about going back to just doing a set of five every wednesday and jumping five pounds a week.

Pitysister 01-29-2010 04:43 PM


front squats: 110, 2 x 8.....105 x 8
towel chinups: 13, 10, 10
flyes: 7.5's, 2 x 10...3 sec stretch at bottom

neutral grip mp: 85, 2 x 8
uni rdl's: 55, 2 x 5
some pallof holds

got my trap bar today...hit up a few singles just to get a feel for's definitely different.

Pitysister 02-01-2010 12:27 PM


bench: 190 x 1, 170, 2 x 3
pistols: +17, 2 x 3, +22 x 3

chins: +45, 3 x 3
single leg rack pulls: 110, 3 x 3

rc stuff and some antirotation

just doing two workouts this week...then back at it next week.

iron_worker 02-01-2010 12:29 PM

2 workouts... slacker...

lol JK!


Pitysister 02-04-2010 04:40 PM

2 is enough this week...biyatch :)


front squats: 140, 3 x 3
db rows: 55, 3 x 5...45 x 10

unilateral military: 45, 3 x 3
hip extensions: +25, 2 x 10 w/ 10 second hold at the end...30 second static

and some cuff/low trap stuff.

Pitysister 02-08-2010 05:30 PM


neutral grip bench: 145 x 3, 150 x 3, 150 x 3, 155 x 3
pistols: +22 x 3, +24 x 3, +24 x 3, +29 x 3

chins: +45 x 3, +47.5 x 3(pr), +50 x 3(pr), +45 x 3
single leg rack pulls: 110 x 3, 115 x 3, 120 x 3, 110 x 3

loaded planks: +10 pounds...1 min, 55 seconds

shoulder felt a little weird after bench last probably won't go back to the straight bar for awhile. neutral bar is so damn hard to stabilize. the heaviest pistols were kinda tough...but i think i got more in me. same with chins. same with rack pulls. :)

i have really gotten away from ass/lower back endurance...and mcgills super planks are back. my back just doesn't feel as stiff during deads anymore...time to remedy that.

got some vids of the bench, pistols, and pulls:

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